Cek Harga Gabah, Jokowi Hampiri Petani Sedang Panen di Bandung

Jokowi Approaches Farmers Harvesting in Bandung.

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Cek Harga Gabah, Jokowi Hampiri Petani Sedang Panen di Bandung
HARGA GABAH: Presiden Jokowi berbincang dan memberikan BLT kepada para petani ketika melintasi Jalan Lingkar Baru Soreang, Jawa Barat. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Bandung, Jabar [B2B] - Presiden Jokowi bersama rombongan berhenti di Jalan Lingkar Baru Soreang, Kabupaten Bandung, saat melihat sejumlah petani yang sedang memanen padi.

Setelahnya, Jokowi turun dari mobil dan menghampiri para petani tersebut untuk berbincang sejenak sambil mengecek langsung kondisi padi yang dipanen saat itu.

"Berapa harga gabah basah, berapa harga gabah kering, udah tadi ketemu dan masih tinggi," jelas Presiden dalam keterangannya.

Jokowi menyebut bahwa harga gabah kering yang diungkapkan oleh petani tersebut yakni berada di angka Rp6.000 per kilo. Mendengar hal itu, Presiden menilai harga tersebut masih tergolong baik.

"Ya baik dong kalau enam ribu [Rupiah], hanya dikejar oleh harga pupuk yang tinggi yang dikeluhkan," ucapnya.

Selain soal harga gabah, petani juga menyampaikan aspirasinya soal kesulitan mereka dalam mendapatkan pupuk. Ani, misalnya, menilai harga pupuk saat ini masih tergolong mahal.

"Pupuknya susah, baru-baru sekarang ada lagi, lagi mahal pupuknya," ucap Ani.

Setelah berbincang dengan para petani, Presiden Jokowi pun melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Pangkalan TNI AU Husein Sastranegara, Kota Bandung untuk kemudian lepas landas menuju Jakarta.

Bandung, West Java [B2B] - President Jokowi and his entourage stopped at the New Soreang Ring Road, Bandung Regency, when he saw a number of farmers harvesting rice.

After that, Jokowi got out of the car and approached the farmers to chat for a moment while checking directly on the condition of the rice being harvested at that time.

"What is the price of wet unhusked rice, how much is the price of dry unhusked rice, we have met it before and it is still high," said the President in his statement.

Jokowi said that the price of dry unhusked rice revealed by the farmer was at IDR 6,000 per kilo. Hearing this, the President considered that the price was still relatively good.

"Yes, it's fine if it's six thousand [Rupiah], only being chased by the high price of fertilizer is the complaint," he said.

In addition to the question of grain prices, farmers also expressed their aspirations regarding their difficulties in obtaining fertilizer. Ani, for example, thinks that the current price of fertilizer is still relatively expensive.