Presiden Jokowi Apresiasi Pelayanan Kesehatan di RSUD Baharuddin Sultra

President Jokowi Appreciates Health Services at Baharuddin Hospital, Sultra

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Presiden Jokowi Apresiasi Pelayanan Kesehatan di RSUD Baharuddin Sultra
PELAYANAN KESEHATAN: Presiden Jokowi didampingi Menteri Kesehatan, Budi Gunadi saat meninjau pelayanan kesehatan dan menyapa warga di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) dr. H.L.M. Baharuddin. (Foto: Setpres RI)

Muna, Sultra [B2B] - Presiden Joko Widodo melakukan peninjauan ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) dr. H.L.M. Baharuddin, M.Kes di Kabupaten Muna, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara pada Senin (13/5). 

Dalam kunjungan ini, Jokowi mengapresiasi adanya dokter spesialis di kabupaten tersebut yang mampu mengoperasikan peralatan canggih. 

"Saya melihat di sini baik. Gedungnya bagus, tata ruangnya bagus, bersih, saya kira itu yang harus semuanya menuju ke sana," ujar Jokowi dalam keterangan pers Sekretariat Presiden.

Selain itu, Jokowi menyoroti pentingnya peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan di daerah terpencil, utamanya untuk penyakit yang menonjol.

“Yang saya lihat hampir di semua daerah, penyakit yang menonjol itu stroke, jantung. Problemnya kalau di sebuah kabupaten atau kota yang jauh dari provinsi, tidak segera ditangani ya ini akan menjadi problem,” ujar  Jokowi dalam keterangan pers usai peninjauan.

Untuk itu, Presiden Jokowi menekankan pentingnya akses ke peralatan kesehatan modern seperti CT scan, cath lab, dan mammogram, yang kini lebih merata dijangkau hingga ke puskesmas.

“Oleh sebab itu, sekarang Kementerian Kesehatan banyak mengirimkan CT scan, cath lab, mammogram, atau yang ke level lebih kecil yaitu ke kabupaten, ke puskesmas itu ada USG untuk kehamilan,” jelasnya.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, beberapa warga setempat turut menyampaikan kesan dan harapan mereka terhadap layanan kesehatan. La Ode Bariu, seorang warga berusia 71 tahun, mengungkapkan rasa syukurnya karena Kabupaten Muna mendapat kunjungan dari seorang presiden.

“Baru dua presiden yang ke Muna, Gus Dur dengan Pak Jokowi,” kata Bariu. Ia juga menekankan pentingnya fasilitas genset yang memadai di rumah sakit untuk mendukung operasional saat listrik padam.

Nuryani, pasien lainnya, menyatakan rasa leganya bisa bertemu dengan Presiden dan merasakan manfaat dari program BPJS. “Alhamdulillah Pak Jokowi sudah datang ke sini. Terima kasih atas kedatangan Pak Jokowi ke sini, senang sekali,” ungkapnya.

Muna, Southeast Sulawesi [B2B] - President Joko Widodo visited the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. H.L.M. Baharuddin, M.Kes in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province on Monday (13/5).

During this visit, Jokowi appreciated the existence of specialist doctors in the district who are capable of operating sophisticated equipment.

"I see it´s good here. The building is good, the layout is good, it´s clean, I think that´s what everyone should go there," said Jokowi in a press statement from the Presidential Secretariat.

Apart from that, Jokowi highlighted the importance of improving health services in remote areas, especially for prominent diseases.

“What I see in almost all areas, the disease that stands out is stroke, heart disease. "The problem is that if in a district or city that is far from the province, it is not handled immediately, this will become a problem," said Jokowi in a press statement after the inspection.

For this reason, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of access to modern health equipment such as CT scans, cath labs and mammograms, which are now more evenly accessible to community health centers.

"Therefore, now the Ministry of Health sends a lot of CT scans, cath labs, mammograms, or at a smaller level, namely to districts, to health centers where there are ultrasounds for pregnancy," he explained.

On the same occasion, several local residents also expressed their impressions and hopes for health services. La Ode Bariu, a 71 year old resident, expressed his gratitude because Muna Regency received a visit from a president.

"Only two presidents have been to Muna, Gus Dur and Pak Jokowi," said Bariu. He also emphasized the importance of adequate generator facilities in hospitals to support operations when the power goes out.

Nuryani, another patient, expressed her relief at being able to meet the President and experience the benefits of the BPJS program. “Thank God Pak Jokowi has come here. "Thank you for coming here, Mr Jokowi, I´m very happy," he said.