MenPAN-RB Ungkap Skema Pemindahan ASN ke IKN
Indonesian Govt Reveals Scheme for Transferring ASN to IKN
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta [B2B] - Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas mengungkapkan bahwa pemerintah telah menyiapkan kebijakan yang komprehensif terkait pemindahan ASN tersebut.
"Presiden menyampaikan bahwa pemindahan ibu kota negara menjadi langkah strategis yang bukan hanya membawa perubahan secara fisik bangunan atau gedung pemerintah, melainkan juga transformasi pola pikir, budaya kerja, dan dukungan sumber daya manusia, jadi pola kerja dan lain-lain. Oleh karena itu, di situ ada smart government," ujar Anas.
Pemindahan ASN akan dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan penapisan atau filter untuk menjamin kinerja pemerintah dapat tetap berjalan dengan baik serta menyesuaikan dengan ketersediaan hunian di IKN. Anas mengungkapkan, pada Juli 2024 akan ada sejumlah menteri dan jajaran yang mulai pindah ke IKN.
"Juli sebagian menteri ada yang pindah, termasuk Pak Basuki [Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat]," ujarnya.
Selanjutnya pada bulan September 2024, setelah rangkaian Upacara Peringatan HUT ke-79 Kemerdekaan RI, akan dilakukan pemindahan ASN secara lebih masif berdasarkan prioritas pemindahan. Berdasarkan hasil penapisan yang telah dilakukan terhadap kementerian/lembaga (K/L), ungkap Anas, prioritas pertama pemindahan adalah 179 unit eselon I dari 38 K/L, prioritas kedua 91 unit eselon I dari 29 K/L, dan prioritas ketiga 378 unit eselon I dari 59 K/L.
“Ini kenapa ada prioritas satu, dua, tiga, kita sesuaikan dengan kesiapan hunian dan fungsi minimal dari pemerintahan,” imbuhnya.
Terkait penentuan pegawai yang akan dipindahkan, Anas mengatakan bahwa hal tersebut diatur oleh masing-masing K/L dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah hunian yang tersedia dan kompetensi pegawai.
"Pegawai ASN yang dipindah pada tahap pertama perlu diberikan tunjangan khusus. Jadi akan ada tunjangan khusus PNS yang menjadi pionir pindah," imbuhnya.
Selain pemindahan pegawai pemerintah pusat, pengisian ASN di IKN juga akan dilakukan melalui rekrutmen calon ASN (CASN) dan mutasi pegawai pemerintah daerah (pemda) di wilayah Kalimantan Timur. Anas mengungkapkan, pemerintah menyiapkan alokasi khusus bagi para putra-putri terbaik di wilayah Kalimantan, khususnya Kalimantan Timur untuk mengisi formasi ASN di IKN.
"Mutasi dimungkinkan tapi harus melalui seleksi terbuka sehingga nanti mutasi dari pemda sekitar yang akan masuk ke IKN memang transparan, punya kualitas, dan nanti akan bisa menggerakkan birokrasi dengan baik," ucapnya.
Di sisi kelembagaan dan tata kelola pemerintahan, kata Anas, pemindahan ibu kota negara dilakukan secara bertahap, yaitu jangka pendek, jangka menengah, dan jangka panjang. Fase pertama atau jangka pendek difokuskan untuk menyiapkan miniatur pemerintahan, fase kedua penerapan shared office dan shared services system, serta fase ketiga implementasi smart government.
"Jadi kami sudah siapkan. Ini sesuai dengan arahan Presiden, fase pertama fase kedua, fase ketiga, tentu juga akan mengikuti perkembangan kesiapan gedung," tandasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas revealed that the government has prepared a comprehensive policy regarding the transfer of ASN.
"The President said that moving the nation's capital was a strategic step that not only brought physical changes to government buildings, but also a transformation of mindset, work culture, and human resource support, so work patterns and so on. Therefore, "There is a smart government there," said Anas.
The transfer of ASN will be carried out in stages in accordance with screening or filters to ensure that the government's performance can continue to run well and adapt to the availability of housing in IKN. Anas revealed that in July 2024 there will be a number of ministers and staff who will start moving to IKN.
"In July, some ministers moved, including Pak Basuki [Minister of Public Works and Public Housing]," he said.
Furthermore, in September 2024, after a series of Ceremonies Commemorating the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence, a more massive transfer of ASN will be carried out based on transfer priorities. Based on the results of the screening carried out on ministries/institutions (K/L), said Anas, the first priority for the transfer was 179 echelon I units from 38 K/L, the second priority was 91 echelon I units from 29 K/L, and the third priority was 378 units echelon I of 59 K/L.
"This is why there are priorities one, two, three, we adjust them to housing readiness and minimum government functions," he added.
Regarding the determination of employees who will be transferred, Anas said that this is regulated by each K/L by considering the number of available residences and employee competency.
"ASN employees who are transferred in the first stage need to be given special allowances. So there will be special allowances for civil servants who are the pioneers of the move," he added.
Apart from transferring central government employees, filling in ASN at IKN will also be carried out through recruitment of ASN candidates (CASN) and transfers of regional government employees (Pemda) in the East Kalimantan region. Anas revealed that the government has prepared a special allocation for the best sons and daughters in the Kalimantan region, especially East Kalimantan, to fill ASN formations at IKN.
"Mutations are possible but must go through an open selection so that later mutations from local governments that will enter IKN will be transparent, have quality, and will be able to move the bureaucracy well," he said.
On the institutional and governance side, said Anas, the relocation of the country's capital was carried out in stages, namely short term, medium term and long term. The first or short-term phase is focused on preparing a miniature government, the second phase is implementing a shared office and shared services system, and the third phase is implementing smart government.
"So we have prepared it. This is in accordance with the President's direction, the first phase, the second phase, the third phase, of course will also follow developments in building readiness," he said.