Bonus Demografi, Jokowi Tekankan Pentingnya Kesiapan SDM Kesehatan
President Jokowi Emphasizes the Importance of Readiness of Health Human Resources in Indonesia
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden Joko Widodo menegaskan pentingnya komitmen pemerintah untuk memperbaiki sistem kesehatan nasional dalam rangka memaksimalkan potensi bonus demografi Indonesia pada 10-15 tahun mendatang.
Hal itu disampaikan Jokowi dalam sambutannya saat meresmikan Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Berbasis Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Penyelenggara Utama (RSP-PU) di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak (RSIA) Harapan Kita, Jakarta, pada Senin, (6/5).
"10-15 tahun yang akan datang kita akan mendapatkan yang namanya bonus demografi. Tetapi, 68 persen usia produktif itu percuma, akan percuma kalau kesehatannya tidak baik. Oleh sebab itu betul-betul mati-matian, kita harus menyiapkan ini, harus merencanakan ini, harus merombak hal-hal yang kurang, harus kita perbaiki semuanya," ujar Jokowi
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Jokowi juga menyampaikan pengamatannya selama beberapa bulan terakhir berkunjung ke berbagai fasilitas kesehatan di daerah untuk memastikan ketersediaan peralatan medis modern seperti MRI, mammografi, dan cath lab. Namun, Presiden mengakui bahwa tantangan terbesar adalah kekurangan dokter spesialis, terutama di provinsi-provinsi kepulauan.
"Selalu keluhan di daerah, utamanya di provinsi-provinsi kepulauan selalu adalah dokter spesialis yang tidak ada. Ini menjadi PR besar kita menurut saya, karena rasio dokter berbanding penduduk kita saya juga kaget saya tadi pagi baru baca 0,47 dari 1000," ungkap Jokowi.
Jokowi pun menyoroti urgensi peningkatan jumlah dokter spesialis di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data yang ada, saat ini Indonesia berada di peringkat 147 dunia dan peringkat 9 di ASEAN terkiat jumlah dokter yang ada.
“Ini problem angka-angka yang harus kita buka apa adanya. Jangan sampai peralatan yang tadi sudah sampai di kabupaten, kota, sudah sampai di provinsi tidak berguna gara-gara dokter spesialis yang tidak ada,” ucap Presiden.
Guna mengatasi masalah tersebut, Presiden Jokowi menekankan pentingnya kolaborasi antara fakultas kedokteran dan rumah sakit. Menteri Kesehatan Budi Gunadi Sadikin dalam laporannya menyebut bahwa saat ini terdapat 24 fakultas kedokteran dan ada 420 rumah sakit di Indonesia.
“Dua mesin ini harus dijalankan bersama-sama agar segera menghasilkan dokter spesialis yang sebanyak-banyaknya, dengan standar-standar internasional,” tutur Presiden.
Jokowi pun berharap kelengkapan alat-alat kesehatan di rumah sakit atau Puskesmas di berbagai daerah di Indonesia dapat segera terlaksana. Hal tersebut penting agar kualitas kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dapat terjamin dan Indonesia dapat melompat menjadi negara maju.
“Betul-betul semuanya terlaksana dan bonus demografi 68 persen usia produktif tadi betul-betul bermanfaat bagi negara ini untuk melompat maju kita menjadi negara maju dengan GDP ekonomi yang baik, dengan GDP per kapita yang tinggi sesuai dengan yang dimiliki negara-negara maju,” tutup Jokowi.
Jakarta [B2B]- President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of the government's commitment to improving the national health system in order to maximize the potential for Indonesia's demographic bonus in the next 10-15 years.
This was conveyed by Jokowi in his speech when inaugurating the Main Organizing Teaching Hospital-Based Specialist Doctor Education Program (RSP-PU) at Harapan Kita Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA), Jakarta, on Monday (6/5).
"In the next 10-15 years we will get what is called a demographic bonus. However, 68 percent of the productive age is useless, it will be useless if their health is not good. Therefore, we are really working hard, we have to prepare this, we have to plan this "We have to overhaul the things that are lacking, we have to fix everything," said Jokowi
On this occasion, Jokowi also conveyed his observations over the last few months, visiting various health facilities in the regions to ensure the availability of modern medical equipment such as MRI, mammography and cath labs. However, the President acknowledged that the biggest challenge was the shortage of specialist doctors, especially in the island provinces.
"There are always complaints in the regions, especially in the island provinces, that there are always no specialist doctors. In my opinion, this is a big homework for us, because the ratio of doctors to our population, I was also surprised. I just read this morning it was 0.47 out of 1000," said Jokowi.
Jokowi also highlighted the urgency of increasing the number of specialist doctors in Indonesia. Based on existing data, currently Indonesia is ranked 147th in the world and 9th in ASEAN regarding the number of doctors available.
“This is a problem with numbers that we have to reveal as they are. "Don't let the equipment that has arrived in districts, cities and provinces be useless because there are no specialist doctors," said the President.
To overcome this problem, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of collaboration between medical faculties and hospitals. Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin in his report stated that currently there are 24 medical faculties and 420 hospitals in Indonesia.
"These two machines must be run together to immediately produce as many specialist doctors as possible, with international standards," said the President.
Jokowi also hopes that the completeness of medical equipment in hospitals or health centers in various regions in Indonesia can be implemented soon. This is important so that the quality of Indonesian people's health can be guaranteed and Indonesia can leap to become a developed country.
"Really, everything has been achieved and the demographic bonus of 68 percent of the productive age group is really beneficial for this country to leap forward to become a developed country with a good economic GDP, with a high GDP per capita in line with that of developed countries," Jokowi concluded.