Presiden Jokowi Dorong Peningkatan Produktivitas Pangan di Sulteng
President Jokowi Encourages Increased Food Productivity in Central Sulawesi
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Sigi, Sulteng [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengharapkan keberadaan rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi Bendung dan Jaringan Irigasi Gumbasa dapat meningkatkan produktivitas sekaligus ketahanan dan kedaulatan pangan Indonesia.
“Saya harap dengan rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi daerah irigasi Gumbasa ini akan meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian kita, mendukung keamanan, ketahanan dan kedaulatan pangan, serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani,” ujar Jokowi saat meresmikan infrastruktur tersebut.
Jokowi mengungkapkan, rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi jaringan irigasi di Gumbasa dilakukan dengan alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp1,25 triliun. Anggaran tersebut dipergunakan untuk rekonstruksi satu bendungan, 35 kilometer saluran primer, 52 kilometer saluran sekunder, 119 kilometer saluran tersier, dan 82 saluran pembuang.
“Rehabilitasi Daerah Irigasi di Gumbasa telah dimulai dilakukan di tahun 2016, melewati perjalanan panjang, kemudian terjadi bencana di 2018, dan alhamdulillah akhirnya tahun ini, tahun 2024, selesai,” imbuhnya.
Presiden menekankan, keberadaan infrastruktur ini dapat mengoptimalkan daerah layanan seluas 8.180 hektare persawahan sekaligus meningkatkan indeks pertanian dari semula 149 persen menjadi 300 persen, atau sekitar dua kali lipat.
“Kita harus terus bekerja keras untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan, kedaulatan pangan. Dan, kita sudah melaksanakan pembangunan serta rehabilitasi infrastruktur irigasi, termasuk bendungan dan jaringan irigasi yang tersebar di seluruh tanah air, untuk memastikan ketersediaan air bagi sawah, bagi petani untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian kita,” tandasnya.
Sigi, Central Sulawesi [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hopes that the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Dam and the Gumbasa Irrigation Network can increase productivity as well as Indonesia's food security and sovereignty.
"I hope that the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Gumbasa irrigation area will increase our agricultural productivity, support food security, security and sovereignty, and improve the welfare of farmers," said Jokowi when inaugurating the infrastructure.
The President revealed that the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the irrigation network in Gumbasa was carried out with a budget allocation of IDR 1.25 trillion. The budget was used for the reconstruction of one dam, 35 kilometers of primary canals, 52 kilometers of secondary canals, 119 kilometers of tertiary canals and 82 waste canals.
"Rehabilitation of the Irrigation Area in Gumbasa began in 2016, went through a long journey, then a disaster occurred in 2018, and thank God it is finally finished this year, 2024," he added.
The President emphasized that the existence of this infrastructure can optimize the service area of 8,180 hectares of rice fields while increasing the agricultural index from the original 149 percent to 300 percent, or around double.
“We must continue to work hard to achieve food security, food sovereignty. "And, we have carried out the construction and rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure, including dams and irrigation networks spread throughout the country, to ensure the availability of water for rice fields, for farmers to increase our agricultural productivity," he stressed.