Presiden Jokowi: Lindungi Kedaulatan Digital di Indonesia

President Jokowi: Indonesia´s Digital Sovereignty Must Be Protected

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Presiden Jokowi: Lindungi Kedaulatan Digital di Indonesia
KEDAULATAN DIGITAL: Presiden Jokowimemberikan pengarahan pada peserta PPSA XXIV dan alumni PPRA LXV Tahun 2023 Lemhannas di Istana Negara, Jakarta

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] kedaulatan digital Indonesia harus dilindungi dengan menjaga aset digital dan terus mempertahankan produk lokal di pasar digital.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Jokowi dalam pengarahannya kepada peserta Program Pendidikan Singkat Angkatan [PPSA] XXIV dan alumni Program Pendidikan Reguler Angkatan [PPRA] LXV Tahun 2023 Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional [Lemhannas], Rabu [4/10], di Istana Negara, Jakarta.

"Kita harus melindungi kedaulatan digital kita dan betul-betul kita pertahankan yang namanya kandungan lokal, barang lokal. Kalau enggak bisa 100 persen barang kita, ya paling tidak 90 persen, 80 persen kandungan lokalnya. Jaga betul yang namanya aset digital kita, jaga betul data, informasi, akses pasar, semuanya," ujar Jokowi.

Jokowi menyampaikan, Indonesia memiliki potensi ekonomi digital yang sangat besar, mencapai 44 miliar Dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) di tahun 2020, 77 miliar Dolar AS di tahun 2022, dan diproyeksikan mencapai 146 miliar Dolar AS di tahun 2025 dan 360 miliar Dolar AS di tahun 2030.

"Kalau yang namanya Digital Economy Framework Agreement di ASEAN ini bisa kita selesaikan negosiasinya di tahun 2025 yang angkanya terakhir tadi, yang 360 billion US Dollar itu akan lipat menjadi dua kali. Artinya, 720 miliar US Dollar. Kalau dirupiahkan Rp11.250 triliun potensi ekonominya, sangat besar sekali," ujar Jokowi.

Jokowi pun menekankan pentingnya untuk mempersiapkan talenta-talenta digital agar Indonesia tidak hanya menjadi pasar dalam ekonomi digital.

"Kita harus jadi pemain. Ini menyiapkan pemain-pemain ini yang memerlukan kerja keras karena waktunya kita dibatasi oleh limit waktu. Teman-teman saya menyampaikan, waktunya hanya dua tahun, dari tahun kemarin, pertengahan tahun kemarin, hanya dua tahun bagaimana kita bisa menyiapkan talenta-talenta digital kita, ini yang bukan barang yang mudah," ujarnya.

Jokowi juga menekankan agar Indonesia menjadi produsen, bukan hanya konsumen. Saat ini, kata Presiden, 123 juta masyarakat menjadi konsumen di pasar digital yang 90 persen barangnya berasal dari barang impor.

"Kalau produk kita sendiri kita taruh di e-commerce masih bagus, tapi 90 persen barang impor karena harganya sangat murah. Bahkan baju, kemarin ada yang dijual berapa? Rp5 ribu, Rp5 ribu. Artinya di situ ada predatory pricing, sudah mulai bakar uang yang penting menguasai data, menguasai perilaku. Ini semua kita harus mengerti mengenai ini," tegasnya.

Jokowi pun mengingatkan masyarakat Indonesia agar tidak terkena penjajahan modern melalui penguasaan ekonomi. Produk Indonesia, kata Presiden, harus menguasai pasar dalam negeri dan bahkan luar negeri.

"Syukur kita bisa masuk ekspor ke negara-negara, enggak usah jauh-jauh, di ASEAN dulu kita kuasai. Jangan sampai kita terlena, dalam hitungan bulan, enggak mau saya terkena penjajahan era modern. Jangan mau kita terkena juga kolonialisme di era modern ini. Kita enggak sadar, tahu-tahu kita sudah dijajah secara ekonomi," tandasnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that Indonesia´s digital sovereignty must be protected by safeguarding digital assets and continuing to maintain local products in the digital market.

This was conveyed by the President in his briefing to participants of the XXIV Short Education Program (PPSA) and alumni of the 2023 Regular Education Program Class (PPRA) LXV of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas), Wednesday [04/10], at the State Palace, Jakarta.

“We have to protect our digital sovereignty and really defend what is called local content, local goods. If we can´t have 100 percent of our goods, then at least 90 percent, 80 percent local content. "Take good care of our digital assets, take good care of data, information, market access, everything," said the President.

The President said that Indonesia has enormous digital economic potential, reaching 44 billion United States Dollars (US) in 2020, 77 billion US Dollars in 2022, and is projected to reach 146 billion US Dollars in 2025 and 360 billion US Dollars in 2025. 2030.

"If we can complete the negotiations on what is called the Digital Economy Framework Agreement in ASEAN in 2025, the latest figure, 360 billion US Dollars , will be doubled. That means 720 billion US Dollars . "If it is converted into IDR 11,250 trillion, the economic potential is very large," said the President.

The Head of State also emphasized the importance of preparing digital talents so that Indonesia does not just become a market in the digital economy.

“We have to be players. This prepares these players who need hard work because our time is limited by time limits. "My friends said, the time is only two years, from last year, the middle of last year, only two years, how can we prepare our digital talents, this is not an easy thing," he said.

The President also emphasized that Indonesia should become a producer, not just a consumer. Currently, said the President, 123 million people are consumers in the digital market, where 90 percent of goods come from imported goods.

"If we put our own products on  e-commerce  , they are still good, but 90 percent of the goods are imported because the prices are very cheap. Even clothes, how many were sold yesterday? Rp. 5 thousand, Rp. 5 thousand. This means that there is  predatory pricing , money has started to be burned, the important thing is to control data, control behavior. "We all have to understand this," he stressed.

The President also reminded the Indonesian people not to be exposed to modern colonialism through economic control. Indonesian products, said the President, must dominate the domestic and even foreign markets.

"Thankfully, we can export to other countries, we don´t have to go far, in ASEAN we used to dominate. Don´t let us get carried away, in a matter of months, I don´t want to be exposed to modern era colonialism. Don´t want us to be exposed to colonialism in this modern era. "We didn´t realize it, the next thing we knew we had been colonized economically," he said.