Jelang Ramadhan, Pemerintah Jamin Stok Beras Cukup
Ahead of Ramadan, Indonesian Govt Guarantees Sufficient Rice Stocks
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Tangsel, Banten [B2B] - Kepala Badan Padan Nasional (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo memastikan ketersediaan beras dalam menghadapi bulan puasa dan Idulfitri 1445 Hijriah/2024 Masehi.
"Kita pastikan puasa dan lebaran mendatang beras itu ada dan cukup,” kata Arief usai mendampingi Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menyerahkan bantuan pangan cadangan beras pemerintah (CBP) bagi keluarga penerima manfaat (KPM), di Kawasan Pertanian Terpadu, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Senin (19/02).
Arief mengatakan, saat ini stok beras Bulog sekitar 1,4 ton dan siap untuk didistribusikan ke berbagai daerah di tanah air.
"Ini yang harus dan terus didorong oleh Dirut Bulog untuk masuk ke Pasar Induk Beras Cipinang dan juga masuk ke pasar tradisional bahkan sampai masuk ke outlet ritel modern. Jadi hari ini ritel modern juga sudah mulai terpenuhi, seminggu terakhir terus diisi," ujarnya.
Arief pun berharap panen raya pada bulan Maret mendatang juga dapat menambah stok sekaligus menjaga stabilitas harga beras.
"Kita berharap panen bulan Maret nanti bisa di atas tiga juta ton, sekitar 3,5 juta ton," pungkas Kepala Bapanas.
Tangsel, Banten [B2B] - Head of the National Padang Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo ensures the availability of rice in facing the fasting month and Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah/2024 AD.
"We will ensure that there is enough rice for the upcoming fasting and Eid," said Arief after accompanying Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in handing over government rice reserve (CBP) food aid to beneficiary families (KPM), in the Integrated Agricultural Area, South Tangerang, Banten, Monday (19/02).
Arief said that currently Bulog's rice stock is around 1.4 tons and is ready to be distributed to various regions in the country.
"This is what the Director of Bulog must and continues to encourage to enter the Cipinang Rice Main Market and also enter traditional markets and even enter modern retail outlets. So today modern retail has also started to be filled, in the last week it has continued to be filled," he said.
Arief also hopes that the big harvest in March will also increase stocks while maintaining rice price stability.
"We hope that the harvest in March will be above three million tons, around 3.5 million tons," concluded the Head of Bapanas.