HUT TNI Ke-78, Presiden Jokowi Tekankan Pentingnya Modernisasi Alusista

President Jokowi Emphasizing the Importance of Modernizing Defense Equipment

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

HUT TNI Ke-78, Presiden Jokowi Tekankan Pentingnya Modernisasi Alusista
HUT TNI: Presiden Jokowi didampingi Panglima TNI Marsekal Yudo Margono memeriksa pasukan pada Upacara HUT ke-78 TNI, di Lapangan Monas, Jakarta. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden Joko Widodo [Jokowi] mendorong modernisasi alat utama sistem persenjataan [alutsista] untuk menjadi bagian penting dari pengembangan investasi industri pertahanan di Tanah Air. 

Hal tersebut disampaikan Jokowi dalam amanatnya saat memimpin Upacara Peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun [HUT] ke-78 TNI yang digelar di Lapangan Silang Monumen Nasional, Jakarta, pada Kamis, [5/10].

"Modernisasi alutsista harus menjadi bagian penting dari pengembangan investasi industri pertahanan di dalam negeri sehingga harus didorong transfer teknologi, harus didorong peningkatan SDM, dan harus diutamakan produk dalam negeri," ucap Jokowi.

Jokowi menilai bahwa modernisasi alutsista sangat diperlukan. Namun, Jokowi menginstruksikan untuk memanfaatkan anggaran belanja alutsista dengan bijak dan dibelanjakan kembali untuk kebutuhan rakyat.

"Saya minta agar anggaran yang dimiliki–karena sulit dalam mengumpulkannya, sulit dalam mendapatkannya, dan merupakan uang dari rakyat–sehingga sebisa mungkin harus dibelanjakan dan harus diputar kembali untuk rakyat," tutur Jokowi.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Jokowi juga mengapresiasi tingginya angka kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap TNI. Untuk menjaga kepercayaan tersebut, Jokowi menginstruksikan TNI untuk dapat merumuskan strategi konkret dalam menghadapi berbagai situasi dunia.

"TNI harus mampu merumuskan secara akurat, merumuskan langkah-langkah dan strategi konkret ke depan di tengah kondisi dunia yang berubah sangat cepat dan memanasnya geopolitik dunia," tutur Jokowi.

Jokowi pun kembali mengingatkan situasi dunia yang saat ini menghadapi krisis pangan. Oleh sebab itu, Jokowi menginstruksikan satuan TNI untuk memiliki kepekaan terhadap situasi tersebut.

"22 negara sudah melakukan pembatasan ekspor pangan, melakukan, menghentikan ekspor pangan. Oleh sebab itu, saya minta seluruh anggota TNI punya naluri terkait ini, punya kesadaran dan kepekaan terkait ini karena urusan pangan adalah urusan perut. Sangat penting dan penentu stabilitas bangsa," ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut, Jokowi berpesan agar TNI dapat terus menjaga kedamaian dalam menyambut tahun politik. Presiden menginstruksikan kepada TNI untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat bahwa berbeda pilihan merupakan hal yang wajar.

"Berikan pemahaman pada masyarakat bahwa beda pilihan itu wajar, menang dan kalah itu juga wajar, tetap jaga sinergitas dengan Polri dan tetap jaga netralitas TNI, dan tetap pelihara watak kesatria. Selalu jadikan sapta marga dan sumpah prajurit pegangan dalam bertindak," tandasnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - President Joko Widodo is encouraging the modernization of the main weapons system (alutsista) to become an important part of developing defense industry investment in the country. This was conveyed by the Head of State in his address when leading the TNI's 78th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony which was held at the National Monument Cross Field, Jakarta, on Thursday, October 5 2023.

"Modernization of defense equipment must be an important part of the development of domestic defense industry investment, so technology transfer must be encouraged, human resource development must be encouraged, and domestic products must be prioritized," said the Head of State.

President Jokowi considers that modernization of defense equipment is very necessary. However, the President instructed him to use the defense equipment budget wisely and spend it again on the needs of the people.

"I ask that the budget that is available - because it is difficult to collect, difficult to obtain, and it is money from the people - should be spent as much as possible and must be turned back to the people," said the President.

On this occasion, the Head of State also appreciated the high level of public trust in the TNI. To maintain this trust, the President instructed the TNI to formulate concrete strategies in dealing with various world situations.

"The TNI must be able to formulate accurately, formulate concrete steps and strategies going forward amidst world conditions that are changing very rapidly and world geopolitics are heating up," said the Head of State.

The Head of State also reminded the world situation which is currently facing a food crisis. Therefore, the President instructed TNI units to be sensitive to this situation.

“22 countries have implemented food export restrictions, implemented, stopped food exports. Therefore, I ask all TNI members to have instincts regarding this, to have awareness and sensitivity regarding this because food is a matter of the stomach. "It is very important and determines the stability of the nation," he said.

Furthermore, the President advised the TNI to continue to maintain peace in welcoming the political year. The President instructed the TNI to provide understanding to the public that different choices are normal.

"Give the public an understanding that different choices are normal, winning and losing are also normal, maintain synergy with the National Police and maintain the neutrality of the TNI, and maintain the character of a warrior. "Always use the Sapta Marga and the Soldier's Oath as your guide in your actions," he stressed.