Pemerintah Akan Perpanjang Izin Ekpor PT Freeport

Indonesian Govt Will Extend PT Freeport´s Export Permit

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pemerintah Akan Perpanjang Izin Ekpor PT Freeport
HILIRASI INDONESIA: Presiden Jokowi bersama jajarannya saat mengunjungi PT Smelter Freeport di Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur beberapa waktu lalu.

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden Jokowi menyebut kontrak izin ekspor PT Freeport Indonesia yang saat ini berlaku hingga 31 Mei 2024, akan diperpanjang.

“Ya terus dong, ya diperpanjang (izinnya),” kata Jokowi, pada Rabu kemarin.

Jokowi mengatakan pemerintah saat ini masih menghitung Harga patokan ekspor (HPE) yang akan dikenakan terhadap Freeport. Perhitungan ini mengingat Harga global sejumlah komoditas tambang mengalami kenaikan.

Selain itu, pemerintah menghargai pembangunan smelter Freeport di Gresik, Jawa Timur, yang hampir rampung. Nantinya, smelter ini mampu memurnikan konsentrat tembaga dengan kapasitas produksi 1,7 juta ton dan menghasilkan katoda tembaga hingga 600.000 ton per tahun.

Dibangunnya smelter tersebut, menurut Jokowi, menunjukkan keinginan kuat Freeport dan PT Amman untuk mendukung hilirisasi industri di Indonesia.

“Saya kira itu bagus sekali dan itu harus dihargai lho ya,” tutur dia.

Jakarta [B2B] - President Jokowi said that PT Freeport Indonesia's export permit contract, which is currently valid until May 31 2024, will be extended.

"Yes, please continue, yes, extend (the permit)," said Jokowi, on Wednesday (8/5).

Jokowi said the government is currently still calculating the benchmark export price (HPE) that will be charged to Freeport. This calculation takes into account that global prices for a number of mining commodities have increased.

Apart from that, the government appreciates the construction of the Freeport smelter in Gresik, East Java, which is almost complete. Later, this smelter will be able to refine copper concentrate with a production capacity of 1.7 million tons and produce up to 600,000 tons of copper cathode per year.

The construction of the smelter, according to Jokowi, shows the strong desire of Freeport and PT Amman to support downstream industry in Indonesia.

"I think that's very good and it should be appreciated, you know," he said.