Kongres PWI ke-25, Presiden Jokowi: Pegang Teguh Kode Etik Jurnalistik
25th PWI Congress, President Jokowi: Firmly Uphold the Journalistic Code of Ethics
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] mengajak seluruh insan pers di tanah air untuk memegang teguh kode etik jurnalistik.
Hal ini disampaikan Jokowi saat membuka Kongres XXV Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia Tahun 2023, di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Senin [25/9].
"Kode etik jurnalistik harus terus kita pegang teguh, karena justru inilah nilai plus dari media dan pers, justru inilah kelebihan media dan pers dibandingkan dengan citizen journalism," ujar Jokowi.
Jokowi pun mengingatkan insan pers, agar dalam membuat pemberitaan tidak terpancing oleh sesuatu yang viral dan hoaks.
"Sekali lagi, jangan terpancing bersaing karena viral atau bersaing karena hoaks, dan jangan terpancing karena yang penting viral, heboh, dibaca. Saya kira hal-hal seperti itu yang harus kita hindari," ujarnya.
Terkait hal itu, Jokowi meminta PWI untuk terus menjaga profesionalisme insan pers di tanah air. Sebagai organisasi wartawan tertua dan terbesar di Indonesia, Presiden mengharapkan PWI dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pemberitaan yang benar, autentik, berkualitas, dan berimbang.
"Sekarang ini mestinya berita yang baik itu bukan berita yang asal viral, bukan asal yang sensasional, karena itu justru memicu bertebarannya hoaks yang sampai saat ini masih ada, saya mendapatkan laporan dari Menkominfo kira-kira masih 11 ribu yang bertebaran di dunia digital," ujarnya.
Pada kesempatan itu, Jokowi juga menyampaikan apresiasi kepada insan pers Indonesia yang selama ini kritis dan cermat dalam memberi masukan dan kritik kepada pemerintah. Jokowi menilai kritik dan masukan dari insan pers tersebut adalah energi tambahan bagi pemerintah.
"Menurut saya semua tidak apa-apa dan semua tetap menjadi jamu sehat dan energi tambahan bagi pemerintah, apalagi ini makin dekat dengan tahun politik, nah pasti semakin banyak yang tadi saya sampaikan, akan keluar," ujarnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo [Jokowi] invites all members of the press in the country to uphold the journalistic code of ethics.
Jokowi conveyed this when opening the XXV Congress of the Indonesian Journalists Association in 2023, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday [25/9].
"We must continue to adhere to the journalistic code of ethics, because this is precisely the plus value of the media and press, this is precisely the advantage of the media and press compared to citizen journalism," said Jokowi.
Jokowi also reminded members of the press not to be provoked by something viral or hoax when reporting.
"Once again, don't be provoked into competing because it's viral or competing because of hoaxes, and don't be provoked because the important thing is that it's viral, excited, read. I think we have to avoid things like that," he said.
Regarding this, Jokowi asked PWI to continue to maintain the professionalism of press personnel in the country. As the oldest and largest journalist organization in Indonesia, the President hopes that PWI can help the public to get true, authentic, quality and balanced reporting.
"Right now, good news should not be news that is viral, not sensational, because that actually triggers the spread of hoaxes which still exist today. I received a report from the Minister of Communication and Information that approximately 11 thousand are still circulating in the digital world," he said.
On that occasion, Jokowi also expressed his appreciation to members of the Indonesian press who have been critical and careful in providing input and criticism to the government. Jokowi assesses that criticism and input from members of the press is additional energy for the government.
"In my opinion, everything is okay and everything remains a healthy remedy and additional energy for the government, especially as it gets closer to the political year, so surely more and more of what I said earlier will come out," he said.