Terima PB HMI, Jokowi Bahas Pemilu 2024 dan Kejahatan Kemanusiaan di Palestina

President Jokowi Receives a Visit from PB HMI at the Merdeka Palace

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Terima PB HMI, Jokowi Bahas Pemilu 2024 dan Kejahatan Kemanusiaan di Palestina
PEMILU 2024: Presiden Jokowi saat menerima kunjungan Pengurus Besar Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (PB HMI) di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta.

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menerima kunjungan Pengurus Besar Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (PB HMI) di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, pada Rabu [8/11]. 

Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Jokowi dan PB HMI berdiskusi terkait pemilihan umum yang akan berlangsung di Indonesia. PB HMI berharap agar Pemilu 2024 berjalan lancar dan sukses serta damai.

"Kami menyampaikan harapan agar pemilu di tahun 2024 ini bisa berjalan lancar dan sukses, dan tentunya kami juga berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan pemilu damai dan substansif," ujar Ketua Umum PB HMI Raihan Ariatama dalam keterangannya kepada awak media usai pertemuan di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta.

Selain itu, Joko Widodo dan PB HMI juga berdiskusi terkait isu Palestina, PB HMI menyampaikan keprihatinannya terhadap kondisi dan kejahatan kemanusiaan yang sedang terjadi di Palestina. PB HMI minta agar Presiden Jokowi terus mengawal situasi tersebut dan mendukung kemerdekaan Palestina.

"Tentunya tidak hanya soal itu dan bantuan-bantuan kemanusiaan juga harus dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia sebagai bentuk komitmen kita karena bagaimana pun Palestina adalah negara yang pertama kali mendukung kemerdekaan Indonesia dan tentu harus kita balas dengan baik pula," ucap Raihan.

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a visit from the Executive Board of the Islamic Student Association (PB HMI) at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (08/11).

During the meeting, Jokowi and PB HMI discussed the general elections that would take place in Indonesia. PB HMI hopes that the 2024 elections will run smoothly, be successful and peaceful.

"We express our hope that the elections in 2024 can run smoothly and successfully, and of course we are also committed to holding peaceful and substantive elections," said PB HMI General Chair Raihan Ariatama in his statement to media crew after a meeting at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta.

Apart from that, Joko Widodo and PB HMI also discussed the issue of Palestine, PB HMI expressed its concern about the conditions and crimes against humanity that are currently occurring in Palestine. PB HMI asked President Jokowi to continue monitoring the situation and support Palestinian independence.

"Of course it's not just about that and humanitarian assistance must also be provided by the Indonesian government as a form of our commitment because after all Palestine is the country that first supported Indonesian independence and of course we must respond well too," said Raihan.