PLTS Terapung Cirata, Jokowi: Terbesar Asia Tenggara, Ketiga di Dunia
Inaugurates Cirata Floating PLTS, President: Southeast Asia´s Largest, Third in the World
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Purwakarta, Jabar [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo menyampaikan bahwa Presiden mengatakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya [PLTS] Terapung Cirata 192 MWp merupakan PLTS terapung terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan ketiga di dunia.
Hal ini disampaikan Jokowi saat meresmikan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya [PLTS] Terapung Cirata 192 MWp, di Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, pada Kamis [9/11].
Jokowi mengatakan infrastruktur ini merupakan PLTS terapung terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan ketiga di dunia.
"Hari ini merupakan hari yang bersejarah, karena mimpi besar kita untuk membangun pembangkit energi baru terbarukan [EBT] dalam skala besar akhirnya bisa terlaksana. Dan, kita berhasil membangun salah satu pembangkit listrik tenaga surya terapung yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan nomor tiga di dunia," ujar Jokowi.
Jokowi mengatakan, pengoperasian PLTS terapung ini dapat terlaksana atas kerja sama Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral [ESDM], Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara [BUMN], PT PLN Persero, serta Masdar dari Uni Emirate Arab.
Keberadaan PLTS ini, kata Jokowi, akan menambah pasokan listrik yang saat ini berkapasitas 1.000MW.
"Di Cirata ini sudah ada PLTA dengan kapasitas 1.000 MW dan sekarang ditambah dengan PLTS Terapung sebesar 192 MWp. Ke depan, kalau dimaksimalkan bisa menambah kurang lebih 1.000 MWp. Jadi, nanti tenaga airnya bisa untuk energi hijau juga,” ujarnya.
Lebih lanjut, Jokowi juga mendorong pemanfaatan seluruh potensi energi baru terbarukan [EBT] yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan pemanfaatan teknologi yang ada saat ini, Presiden pun optimistis Indonesia dapat mengatasi tantangan dalam pengembangan energi baru terbarukan.
"Misalnya, di pembangkit surya ini juga ada pembangkit angin, dalam prosesnya ada tantangan cuaca memang, tapi bisa kita atasi dengan membangun smart grid, sehingga meskipun cuaca berubah-ubah listriknya tetap stabil. Tantangan lokasi potensi energi baru terbarukan yang jauh dari pusat kebutuhan listrik juga bisa kita atasi. Kita bisa bangun solusinya dengan transmission line dan yang nantinya setiap potensi EBT di Sumatra, di Kalimantan, dan Sulawesi bisa kita salurkan ke pusat-pusat ekonomi," tandasnya.
Purwakarta of West Java [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that the President said the 192 MWp Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant [PLTS] was the largest floating PLTS in Southeast Asia and the third in the world.
Jokowi conveyed this when inaugurating the 192 MWp Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant [PLTS], in Purwakarta Regency, West Java, on Thursday [9/11].
Jokowi said this infrastructure was the largest floating PLTS in Southeast Asia and the third in the world.
"Today is a historic day, because our big dream of building new renewable energy [EBT] plants on a large scale has finally been realized. And, we have succeeded in building one of the largest floating solar power plants in Southeast Asia and number three in the world ," said Jokowi.
Jokowi said that the operation of this floating PLTS could be carried out with the cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources [ESDM], the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises [BUMN], PT PLN Persero, and Masdar from the United Arab Emirates.
The existence of this PLTS, said Jokowi, will increase the electricity supply which currently has a capacity of 1,000MW.
"In Cirata there is already a hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 1,000 MW and now it is being supplemented by a floating solar power plant of 192 MWp. In the future, if it is maximized it can add approximately 1,000 MWp. So, later the hydropower can be used for green energy too," he said.
Furthermore, Jokowi also encouraged the utilization of all the potential of new renewable energy [EBT] in Indonesia. By utilizing currently available technology, the President is optimistic that Indonesia can overcome the challenges in developing new renewable energy.
"For example, in this solar plant there is also a wind generator. In the process there are weather challenges, but we can overcome them by building a smart grid, so that even though the weather changes the electricity remains stable. The challenge is the location of potential new renewable energy which is far from the center of electricity demand "We can also overcome it. We can build a solution with a transmission line and then we can channel any potential EBT in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi to economic centers," he said.