Presiden Jokowi Dorong Tingkatkan Ekspor dan Investasi

Indonesian Govt Pushes to Increase Exports and Investment

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Presiden Jokowi Dorong Tingkatkan Ekspor dan Investasi
PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR: Presiden Jokowi saat membuka Investor Daily Summit 2023, Hutan Kota by Plataran, Senayan, Jakarta. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menekankan pentingnya untuk terus meningkatkan ekspor dan investasi dalam menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.

"Kuncinya ekspor dijaga agar terus meningkat, ini tidak mudah. Kemudian investasi juga dijaga agar terus meningkat karena basis pertumbuhan ekonomi kita masih di konsumsi, baik konsumsi pemerintah maupun konsumsi swasta," ucap Presiden usai membuka Investor Daily Summit 2023, di Hutan Kota by Plataran, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (24/10).

Presiden Jokowi pun meyakini bahwa kedua hal tersebut merupakan dasar pertumbuhan ekonomi di tanah air.

"Kita harapkan kalau kita bisa meningkatkan ekspor kita, meningkatkan investasi kita itu yang menjadi dasar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia," ujarnya.

Selain itu, Presiden Jokowi juga menyebut rencana pemerintah memberikan insentif bagi industri properti untuk memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi. Menurut Presiden, industri properti memiliki banyak turunannya.

"Nanti rapatnya sore, intinya kita ingin men-trigger ekonomi kita dengan memberikan insentif kepada pembangunan perumahan, properti karena dari properti ini punya buntut banyak sekali. 114 yang bisa terangkut dalam industri properti, entah genteng, semen, batu bata, pasir, semuanya, kayu, semuanya, pintu, kaca, keramik, semuanya bisa membawa mereka bisa juga ikut naik pertumbuhannya," ujarnya.

Jokowi menjelaskan bahwa insentif juga bisa diberikan berupa pembebasan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPn) untuk rumah dengan harga tertentu dan penghapusan biaya administrasi untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah.

"Tapi belum diputuskan ya, nanti sore diputuskan. Itu akan mendorong investasi di bidang perumahan," tandasnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized the importance of continuing to increase exports and investment in maintaining Indonesia's economic growth.

"The key is to ensure that exports continue to increase, this is not easy. "Then investment is also maintained so that it continues to increase because the basis of our economic growth is still consumption, both government consumption and private consumption," said the President after opening the Investor Daily Summit 2023, at Forest City by Plataran, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/10).

President Jokowi also believes that these two things are the basis for economic growth in the country.

"We hope that we can increase our exports, increase our investment, which is the basis for Indonesia's economic growth," he said.

Apart from that, President Jokowi also mentioned the government's plan to provide incentives for the property industry to spur economic growth. According to the President, the property industry has many derivatives.

"The meeting will be in the afternoon, in essence we want to stimulate our economy by providing incentives for housing and property development because this property has a lot of benefits. "There are 114 things that can be transported in the property industry, whether roof tiles, cement, bricks, sand, everything, wood, everything, doors, glass, ceramics, everything can bring them, they can also increase their growth," he said.

The President explained that incentives could also be provided in the form of exemption from value added tax (VAT) for houses at a certain price and elimination of administration fees for low-income people.

"But it hasn't been decided yet, it will be decided this afternoon. "That will encourage investment in the housing sector," he said.