Gugatan Suryadharma Ali Ditolak, KPK Harapkan jadi Rujukan Hakim Lain

Indonesia Anti-graft Hopes Court Ruling Will Serve as Reference

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Gugatan Suryadharma Ali Ditolak, KPK Harapkan jadi Rujukan Hakim Lain
Johan Budi (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Putusan Pengadilan Jakarta Selatan yang menolak seluruh permohonan gugatan mantan Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali, diharapkan KPK dapat menjadi rujukan bagi hakim lain yang menangani gugatan praperadilan.

"Kami harap putusan itu menjadi rujukan bagi hakim-hakim lain yang menyidangkan (praperadilan)," kata Pelaksana Tugas (plt) Wakil Ketua KPK Johan Budi di gedung KPK Jakarta, Rabu.

Hari ini, di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, hakim tunggal Tatik Hadiyanti memutuskan menolak seluruh permohonan praperadilan Suryadharma Ali yang menjadi tersangka dalam kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi penyelenggaraan haji di Kementerian Agama 2012-2013.

Putusan tersebut didasarkan pada Pasal 1 Ayat 10 KUHAP jo Pasal 77 jo Pasal 82 Ayat 1 huruf d yang menyebutkan, penetapan tersangka bukan termasuk objek praperadilan.

"Putusan hari ini bisa membukakan mata kita semua dan bisa jadi rujukan bagi hakim-hakim lain yang memutuskan praperadilan di mana objek praperadilan bukan penetapan tersangka, tapi KPK dari awal mengatakan itu kewenangan hakim secara independen dan kita menghormati hakim," kata Johan.

Johan mengaku, sejak awal KPK menghormati proses hukum, termasuk praperadilan.

"Kita hormati kalau ada tersangka yang mengajukan praperadilan. Memang dari awal kami punya pendapat penetapan tersangka bukan objek praperadilan tapi KPK tidak bisa mempengaruhi itu dan merupakan kewenangan hakim. Kami siap menghadapi (gugatan praperadilan) meski tenaga dan pikiran digunakan untuk menghadapi praperadilan," tegas Johan.

Ia menilai  pengajuan praperadilan tidak menghambat penyidikan kasus tersebut.

"Saya ingin menegaskan bahwa praperadilan sama sekali tidak menghambat atau memperlambat proses penyidikan di KPK, silakan praperadilan tapi kami juga tetap melanjutkan proses penyidikan tanpa terganggu proses praperadilan atau menunggu sampai ada putusan praperadilan," ungkap Johan.

KPK pernah kalah dalam praperadilan Kepala Lembaga Pendidikan Polri Komjenpol Budi Gunawan dalam perkara dugaan tindak pidana korupsi terkait transaksi-transaksi mencurigakan kepada Mabes Polri karena hakim tunggal Sarpin Rizaldi pada 16 Februari 2015 menyatakan surat perintah penyidikan No 03/01/01/2015 tanggal 12 Januari 2015 yang menetapkan Budi sebagai tersangka oleh KPK tidak sah dan tidak berdasar atas hukum sehingga penetapan perkara tak memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Anti-graft Agency, known as the KPK has expressed hope that the pretrial courts ruling on former minister Suryadharma Ali would be used as a reference by other pretrial court judges.

The South Jakarta district court on Wednesday rejected former religious affairs minister Suryadharma Alis pretrial suit challenging the decision of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which named him in an alleged graft case.

"The court is of the viewpoint that irrespective of whether or not the naming of a suspect is considered legitimate, since it does not come under the pretrial domain, so the application is entirely rejected," Tatik Hadiyanti, the sole judge who handled the case, ruled.

"We hope that the ruling could be used as a reference for other pretrial court judges to arrive at a decision," KPKs Acting Deputy Chief Commissioner Johan Budi noted.

"The decision today will open our eyes, and hopefully, it will be used as a reference by other judges to rule that the naming of a suspect does not come under the domain of a pretrial court. However, from the beginning, the KPK has stated that it is an independent authority of the judge, and we respect the judge over it," Johan said, adding that from the onset, the KPK has emphasized that it would always respect legal processes, including a pretrial suit.

"We will respect any suspect who wants to file a pretrial suit. Indeed, from the beginning, we are of the view that naming a suspect is not the domain of a pretrial court. However, the KPK cannot influence the decision as it is the judges authority. We are always ready to meet any pretrial court challenge, although it would use up energy and minds," he stated.

Johan stated that the pretrial process would not hinder the investigation process at the KPK.

"Go ahead, if they want to file a pretrial suit, but we will also continue our investigation process without having to wait for the courts ruling," he added.

Currently, the KPK is dealing with five pretrial suits over corruption cases from former processing director of state-owned oil company Pertamina, Suroso Atmomartoyo; former House Commission VII chairman Sutan Bathoegana; former minister of energy and mineral resources Jero Wacik; former city mayor of Makassar Arif Sirajuddin; and Siti Tarwiyah, a witness in the alleged corruption case of former Bangkalan district head Fuad Amin.

The KPK lost the pretrial court suit filed by Head of the Police Education Institute Commissioner General Budi Gunawan in connection with his naming as a corruption suspect by the anti-graft body.

On February 16, 2015, sole judge Sarpin Rizaldi ruled that the KPKs decision to name former national police chief candidate as a suspect was illegitimate, and so, it was not legally binding.