Aset Tetap Kementan, BPK RI Tuding Kinerja Itjentan `Cederai` Opini WTP 2017

Indonesian`s BPK Criticized Performance of the Agriculture Ministry`s Inspector General

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Aset Tetap Kementan, BPK RI Tuding Kinerja Itjentan `Cederai` Opini WTP 2017
Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman tampak serius menyimak penjelasan Anggota IV BPK, Rizal Djalil (kanan) tentang aset tetap Itjentan yang tidak tuntas sejak era Orde Baru (Foto: B2B/M. Achsan Atjo)

Jakarta (B2B) - Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI (BPK) menyoroti kinerja Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Pertanian RI (Itjentan) dalam menangani aset tetap kementerian sejak era Orde Baru belum terselesaikan, merujuk pada keseluruhan hasil pemeriksaan BPK RI hingga 31 Desember 2017, dari 1.126 rekomendasi masih ada 3,73% yang tidak dapat ditindaklanjuti oleh BPK, termasuk aset tetap Kementan tersebut.

Hal itu dikemukakan Anggota IV BPK, Rizal Djalil dalam arahannya sebelum menyerahkan laporan hasil pemeriksaan BPK yang dinyatakan dengan opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) atas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) 2017 kepada Kementerian Pertanian, yang diterima oleh Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman di Jakarta, Rabu (6/6). Namun pada kesempatan tersebut Irjentan, Justan Siahaan tidak hadir; dan diwakili oleh Sekretaris Itjentan, Suprodjo Wibowo.

"Pak menteri, saya minta secara tegas menyelesaikan masalah aset tetap yang terjadi sejak masih ada Kanwil Kementan di seluruh Indonesia. Jangan lagi muncul tahun depan di buku laporan ke BPK, kinerja Itjentan kami nilai mencederai laporan WTP untuk Kementan 2016 dan 2017," kata Rizal Djalil yang didampingi seluruh tim pemeriksa BPK di Kementan.

Dari keseluruhan hasil pemeriksaan BPK RI hingga 31 Desember 2017 dari 1.126 rekomendasi, sebanyak 973 rekomendasi atau 86,41% telah ditindaklanjuti, 9,86% belum ditindaklanjuti dan 3,73% tidak dapat ditindaklanjuti.  Keseluruhan hasil pemeriksaan BPK RI tersebut mencakup audit Laporan Keuangan dan Audit Tujuan Tertentu (ATT).

Dia menuding Irjentan dan jajarannya di Kementan tidak serius menangani masalah aset tetap yang muncul sejak era Orde Baru hingga saat ini. Bahkan dia menyebut tugas Itjentan adalah ´perpanjangan tangan´ dari BPK di internal Kementan.

"BPK tidak ingin masalah aset tetap ini masih muncul di laporan keuangan Kementan ke BPK di tahun-tahun mendatang. Irjentan harus tegas, dan saya harap Mentan dapat menyelesaikannya secara cepat dan tuntas," kata Rizal Djalil.

Tampak hadir seluruh jajaran eselon satu di Kementan antara lain Kepala Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) Momon Rusmono; Kepala Badan Karantina Pertanian (Barantan) Banun Harpini; Sekretaris Ditjen Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian (PSP) Abdul Madjid mewakili Dirjen PSP Pending Dadih Permana; dan Sekretaris BPPSDMP Andriko Noto Susanto.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Supreme Audit Board or BPK has criticized Inspectorate General of Agriculture Ministry or Itjentan in dealing with the fixed assets of ministries that have not been resolved since the era of President Soeharto, refers to the overall results of BPK until December 31, 2017, of the 1,126 recommendations still 3.73% which are not followed up by the BPK, including the ministry´s fixed asset.

It was stated by the BPK Member Rizal Djalil in his direction before submitted the BPK audit report stated with Reasonable Opinion without the Exception or WTP about the Central Government Financial Statements or LKPP of 2017 to the Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman here on Wednesday (June 6). However on that occasion the ministry´s inspector general Justan Siahaan was absent; and represented by the Secretary of Itjentan, Suprodjo Wibowo.

"Mr Minister, I ask firmly to solve the problem of fixed assets that occurred since the Soeharto era. Do not mention it in report books to the BPK next year, we assess the performance of Itjentan to harm BPK reports for the agriculture ministry 2016 and 2017," Mr Djalil said.

From the overall BPK audit results up to December 31, 2017 of 1,126 recommendations, as many as 973 recommendations or 86.41% have been followed up, 9.86% of pending, and 3.73% can not be acted upon. The overall results of the BPK audit include audit of financial statements and specific objective audits.

He accused the inspector general and his staff of not seriously handling the issue of fixed assets that have emerged since the Soeharto era to the present. He even referred to the task of Itjentan as an extension of BPK in the internal ministry.

"The BPK does not want the issue of fixed assets still appearing in the ministry´s financial report to BPK in the coming years. It should be firm, and I hope the minister of agriculture can be completed quickly and thoroughly," Mr Djalil said.

Also attended Director General of Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Human Resources or the BPPSDMP, Momon Rusmono; Director General of Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency Banun Harpini; Secretary Directorate General of Infrastructure and Agricultural Facility, Abdul Madjid representing his boss, Pending Dadih Permana; and Secretary of the BPPSDMP, Andriko Noto Susanto.