Imam B Prasodjo: RI Butuh Pasukan Khusus Tangani Konflik Komunal

Imam B Prasodjo: RI Need Special Forces Resolve Communal Conflict

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Imam B Prasodjo: RI Butuh Pasukan Khusus Tangani Konflik Komunal

Jakarta (B2B) - Sosiolog Universitas Indonesia (UI) Imam B Prasodjo mengaku memiliki impian tentang Indonesia yang memiliki pasukan khusus untuk penanganan konflik komunal, yang terdiri atas gabungan personel TNI dan Polri.

"Pembentukan pasukan khusus sebagai jalan tengah meredam gejolak masyarakat dalam memahami penerbitan Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) Nomor 2 Tahun 2013 tentang Penanganan Gangguan Keamanan Dalam Negeri," kata Imam B. Prasodjo dalam diskusi bersama Gubernur Lemhanas Budi Susilo Soepandji  di Kantor Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional (Lemhannas), Jakarta, Kamis (7/2).

Langkah pembentukan pasukan khusus, ungkap Imam, dapat melerai 'debat kusir' tentang campur tangan TNI dalam menangani konflik komunal.

"Berkali-kali terjadi konflik antara tentara dan polisi. Bahkan di kalangan polisi sendiri, saat terjadi konflik agama di Ambon justru terjadi konflik," tambah Imam.

Dia mengakui, persoalan yang bakal timbul dari pembentukan pasukan khusus terkait anggaran. "Apakah polisi mau berbagi anggaran, nah ini bakal jadi persoalan baru."

Dalam kesempatan itu, Imam menyarankan, secara bertahap porsi fungsi represif dari polisi dan TNI dikurangi dan dialihkan ke fungsi preventif. Menurutnya, polisi dan TNI justru harus menjadi negosiator atau mediator dalam menangani konflik.

“Mayoritas warga kan bukan penjahat, mosok aparat kita lebih mengedepankan pendekatan represif,” ujar dia.

Jakarta (B2B) - Sociologist University of Indonesia (UI) Imam B Prasodjo claimed to have dreams about Indonesia, which has the special forces for communal conflict resolution, which consists of a combined military and police personnel.

"The establishment of the special forces community as an alternative to reduce the volatility in understanding the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Instruction) No. 2 Year 2013 about Homeland Security," said Imam B. Prasodjo Lemhanas in discussions with the governor, Budi Susilo Soepandji at the Office of National Security Agency (Lemhanas), Jakarta, Thursday (7/2).

The establishment of special forces, said Imam, to arbitrate 'sophist' of military intervention in handling communal conflicts.

"Many times there is a conflict between the army and the police. Even among the police themselves, when religious conflict in Ambon conflict would occur," added Imam.

He admitted, problems will arise from the establishment of budget-related special forces. "Are the police want to share the budget, well this is going to be a new problem."

On that occasion, Imam advised, gradually portion repressive functions from police and TNI reduced and shifted to preventive function. According to him, the police and the military rather should be a negotiator or mediator in resolving conflicts.

"The majority of the residents are not criminals, we put forward the apparatus during repressive approach," he said.