Penerimaan Pajak Capai Rp1.109 Triliun pada Akhir Juli 2023

Tax Revenue Reaches IDR 1,109 Trillion at the End of July 2023

Penerimaan Pajak Capai Rp1.109 Triliun pada Akhir Juli 2023
PAJAK NEGARA: Menteri Keuangan RI Sri Mulyani saat memberikan keterangan beberapa waktu lalu di Istana Negara, Jakarta. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Jakarta [B2B] - Menteri Keuangan [Menkeu] Sri Mulyani mengungkapkan, meski laju pertumbuhannya mengalami normalisasi kinerja penerimaan dari pajak hingga akhir Juli 2023 masih tumbuh positif.

"Tentu karena berbagai faktor tadi yaitu harga komoditas mengalami normalisasi. Yang kedua tadi pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia yang melambat mempengaruhi kinerja beberapa seperti ekspor dan juga berbagai aktivitas di dalam negeri," ujar Menkeu, dikutip dari laman Kementerian Keuangan, Senin [14/08].

Penerimaan negara dari pajak hingga akhir Juli 2023 mencapai Rp1.109,1 triliun atau 64,6 persen dari target Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2023. Capaian penerimaan ini tercatat tumbuh sebesar 7,8 persen secara tahunan.

Secara rinci, capaian Pajak Penghasilan [PPh] Non Migas tercatat Rp636,56 triliun atau 72,86 persen dari target. Pajak ini tumbuh 6,98 persen jika dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama di tahun sebelumnya.

Selanjutnya, penerimaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai [PPN] dan Pajak Penjualan Barang Mewah [PPnBM] hingga akhir Juli 2023 tercatat sebesar Rp417,64 triliun atau 56,21 persen dari target. Angka capaian ini juga tumbuh 10,60 persen.

Kemudian Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan [PBB] dan pajak lainnya mencapai Rp9,60 triliun atau 23,99 persen dari target. Capaian ini juga mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 44,76 persen. Sementara itu, PPh Migas tercatat Rp45,31 triliun atau 73,74 persen dari target. Dengan raihan tersebut, PPh Migas mengalami kontraksi 7,99 persen.

"Sehingga memang pertumbuhan penerimaan pajak diperkirakan tidak setinggi tahun lalu namun masih tumbuh positif. Ini hal yang cukup baik. Kita tetap harus waspada karena kalau kita lihat month-to-month atau pertumbuhan bulanan, penerimaan pajak kita di bulan Juni dan Juli mengalami pertumbuhan bulanannya negatif, ini adalah koreksi untuk menuju normalisasi," ujar Menkeu.

Di sisi lain, penerimaan Kepabeanan dan Cukai mencapai Rp149,83 triliun atau 49,40 persen dari target. Hasil penerimaan ini mengalami kontraksi sebesar 19,07 persen dari tahun lalu. Kontraksi tersebut, terang Menkeu, antara lain, disebabkan penurunan Cukai Hasil Tembakau [CHT] sebesar 8,54 persen sebagai dampak turunnya produksi CHT dari Golongan 1.

Selain itu, Bea Keluar juga mengalami penurunan yang tajam sebesar 81,3 persen disebabkan harga minyak sawit mentah atau CPO yang rendah, dampak kebijakan flush out tahun 2022, dan turunnya volume ekspor mineral.

“Dari kepabeanan juga yang masih tumbuh adalah bea masuk terutama naik 3,82 persen karena tarif efektif yang naik dan kurs Dolar AS yang dalam hal ini menguat sehingga bisa mengompensasi penurunan basisnya”, ujarnya.

Sementara itu, realisasi Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak [PNBP] sampai dengan 31 Juli 2023 mencapai Rp355,5 triliun atau 80,6 persen dari target APBN. Kinerja PNBP tetap tumbuh positif sebesar 5,4 persen [year-on-year] di tengah fluktuasi harga komoditas.

"APBN kita dengan kegiatan ekonomi yang terjaga masih menunjukkan kinerja yang positif dengan penerimaan negara yang masih tumbuh meskipun mengalami moderasi dan belanja yang kita tetap jaga sesuai dengan kualitas dan rencana," pungkas Sri Mulyani.

Jakarta [B2B] - The Minister of Finance [Minister of Finance] Sri Mulyani revealed, even though the growth rate experienced normalization, revenue performance from taxes until the end of July 2023 was still growing positively.

"Of course, due to these various factors, namely commodity prices have normalized. The second is that slowing world economic growth has affected several performances such as exports and also various domestic activities," said the Minister of Finance, quoted from the Ministry of Finance´s website, Monday [14/08].

State revenue from taxes until the end of July 2023 reached IDR 1,109.1 trillion or 64.6 percent of the 2023 State Budget (APBN) target. This revenue achievement was recorded to have grown by 7.8 percent on an annual basis.

In detail, the achievement of Non-Oil and Gas Income Tax [PPh] was recorded at IDR 636.56 trillion or 72.86 percent of the target. This tax grew 6.98 percent when compared to the same period in the previous year.

Furthermore, the receipt of Value Added Tax [VAT] and Luxury Goods Sales Tax [PPnBM] until the end of July 2023 was recorded at IDR 417.64 trillion or 56.21 percent of the target. This achievement figure also grew 10.60 percent.

Then Land and Building Tax [PBB] and other taxes reached IDR 9.60 trillion or 23.99 percent of the target. This achievement also experienced a growth of 44.76 percent. Meanwhile, oil and gas income tax was recorded at IDR 45.31 trillion or 73.74 percent of the target. With this achievement, oil and gas income tax experienced a contraction of 7.99 percent.

"So it is estimated that the growth in tax revenue is not as high as last year but it is still growing positively. This is quite a good thing. We still have to be vigilant because if we look at month-to-month or monthly growth, our tax revenue in June and July is experiencing monthly growth. negative, this is a correction towards normalization," said the Minister of Finance.

On the other hand, Customs and Excise revenue reached IDR 149.83 trillion or 49.40 percent of the target. This revenue result contracted by 19.07 percent from last year. The contraction, explained the Minister of Finance, was due, among other things, to a reduction in Tobacco Products Excise [CHT] of 8.54 percent as a result of the decline in CHT production from Group 1.

In addition, Export Duty also experienced a sharp decline of 81.3 percent due to the low price of crude palm oil or CPO, the impact of the 2022 flush out policy, and the decline in the volume of mineral exports.

"From customs, what is still growing is import duties, especially up 3.82 percent due to the effective tariff increase and the US dollar exchange rate which in this case has strengthened so that it can compensate for the decline in its base," he said.

Meanwhile, the realization of Non-Tax State Revenue [PNBP] as of 31 July 2023 reached IDR 355.5 trillion or 80.6 percent of the APBN target. PNBP performance continued to grow positively by 5.4 percent [year-on-year] amid fluctuations in commodity prices.

"Our APBN, with maintained economic activity, still shows positive performance with state revenues still growing despite moderation and spending that we keep according to quality and plans," concluded Sri Mulyani.