Mal Buka, Pengunjung Wajib Tunjukkan Sertifikat Vaksinasi

Indonesia Malls Reopen Exclusively for Vaccinated Shoppers

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Mal Buka, Pengunjung Wajib Tunjukkan Sertifikat Vaksinasi
MENJAGA PEREKONOMIAN: Mal-mal di Jakarta diizinkan beroperasi dengan kapasitas 25% pada pukul 10.00 WIB hingga 20.00 WIB. [Foto: Istimewa]

PUSAT PERBELANJANAN atau mal disejumlah wilayah  telah dibuka kembali, selama Pemberlakuan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat [PPKM] Level 4, hingga 16 Agustus 2021. Salah satunya di Jakarta, ibu kota RI.

Mal-mal di Jakarta diizinkan beroperasi dengan kapasitas 25% pada pukul 10.00 WIB hingga 20.00 WIB. Untuk para pengunjung, diminta menunjukkan sertifikat vaksinasi melalui Aplikasi pedulilindungi sebagai syarat masuk ke mal.

"Ini merupakan langkah positif bagi pusat perbelanjaan. Sehingga pengunjung dapat yakin bahwa setiap orang yang masuk ke mal telah dipindai dan dianggap aman dan sehat," kata General Manager Pondok Indah Mall, Eka Dewanto.

Hal ini mengacu pada Instruksi Menteri Dalam Negeri No 30 Tahun 2021 Tentang Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat Level 4, Level 3 dan Level 2 Corona Virus Disease 2019 di Wilayah Jawa dan Bali. 

Indonesia saat ini sedang berjuang untuk menahan wabah jangka panjang yang dipicu oleh varian Delta, dengan lebih dari 3,8 juta kasus dan 115.000 kematian tercatan secara keseluruhan, seperti dikutip Reuters yang dilansir MailOnline.

INDONESIA´S capital reopened its retail malls this week to an exclusive crowd - shoppers vaccinated against coronavirus.

With restrictions still in place in much of Indonesia, Jakarta´s malls are allowed to operate at 25% capacity to try to keep the economy moving, but customers must prove via a smartphone application that they´ve received at least one vaccination.

That puts them in a select group, with just one in five Indonesians given a shot so far under a mass-immunisation programme that started in January.

"This is a positive measure for the shopping mall. So that visitors can be assured that everyone who enters the mall has been scanned and considered safe and healthy," said Eka Dewanto, the general manager of Pondok Indah Mall in north Jakarta.

Indonesia is fighting to contain a long-running outbreak fuelled by the Delta variant, with more than 3.8 million cases and 115,000 deaths recorded overall, one of Asia´s worst epidemics.

Like many countries in Asia, Indonesia has struggled to secure vaccines fast enough amid fierce global competition, heightened by the rapid spread of the Delta variant.

Housewife Ilona Refita, 43, approves of the application used to enter the malls and just wants to get on with life.

"It´s impossible for us to keep staying at home and not doing things that are supposed to be done, right? We should protect ourselves," she said.

Student Salsabilla, 23, said the application was good, but she was uncomfortable that her whereabouts were being recorded.

"I did wonder why my location needs to be tracked," she said. "That worries me."