IPW Ingatkan Polri Abaikan Keberatan Tiga Kedubes Asing

Indonesia Police Watch Asks Police Should Ignore Foreign Embassies1 Protest

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

IPW Ingatkan Polri Abaikan Keberatan Tiga Kedubes Asing
Foto: tribunnews.com

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) mengingatkan Polri tidak perlu menggubris keberatan tiga kedutaan besar asing pendiri Jakarta International School (JIS) atas penahanan dua guru sekolah tersebut. 

"Keberatan tiga kedubes itu wajar karena para pengajar itu warga negara mereka. Namun, polisi harus bekerja profesional dan proporsional, tidak perlu takut dengan ketiga negara itu," kata Presidium Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Neta S Pane di Jakarta, Kamis (17/7).

Neta mengatakan merupakan hal yang wajar bila Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Australia keberatan dan bertanya secara detail terhadap langkah polisi menangkap dua pengajar di JIS. 

Namun, Neta juga mengatakan bahwa polisi telah menyatakan bahwa mereka harus profesional dan proporsional dalam mengusut kasus di JIS dan siapa pun yang bersalah harus diperiksa dan dihukum.

"Apa yang dilakukan polisi dengan menahan dua guru JIS adalah langkah yang tepat meskipun terlambat. Polisi tidak perlu takut menangkap guru yang merupakan warga negara asing," tuturnya.

Menurut Neta, di negara asal kedutaan besar pendiri JIS itu, kejahatan fedofilia juga mendapat perhatian serius dan pelakunya dihukum berat. Karena itu, tidak ada alasan polisi takut dengan ketiga negara tersebut karena bila di negara tersebut terjadi kejahatan serupa, sistem hukumnya juga akan memberikan hukuman yang berat.

Sebelumnya, penyidik Polda Metro Jaya telah menangkap dua guru JIS yaitu Neil Bantleman (Kanada) dan Ferdinant Tjiong (Indonesia) pada Senin (14/7) malam.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) asked police to work professionally in handling the sexual assault case allegedly involving two staffers of the Jakarta International School (JIS) and ignore a protest made by three foreign embassies concerning the arrest of the school staffers.

"The protest made by the three embassies is normal. The police must work professionally and proportionally. Dont be afraid of the embassies," IPW Presidium Chairman, Neta S Pane said here on Thursday.

"What the police have done by arresting two JIS staffers is an appropriate step, although rather late. The police must not be afraid of arresting the foreign teachers," he said.

Pedophilia is a serious crime and given heavy punishment in the three foreign countries - the US, Australia and Britain - that founded the JIS, he said.

He believed that if the sexual assaults happened in those countries, the perpetrators would have been punished heavily.

The Jakarta Police has arrested two JIS staffers identified by the initials NB and FT of the JIS in connection with the sexual assault case involving two kindergarten pupils.

"We have decided to detain the two suspects," spokesman of the Jakarta Police Senior Commissioner Rikwanto stated in short text message received on July 15, 2014.

The police had grilled the two suspects and obtained adequate evidence to detain them, he reported.

NB, a Canadian national, and FT, an Indonesian citizen, were named suspects on July 10, 2014.