Ketua MPR Ingatkan Pemerintah Hati-hati Tetapkan Harga BBM

Indonesian Govt Asks to be Cautious in Deciding Fuel Prices

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Ketua MPR Ingatkan Pemerintah Hati-hati Tetapkan Harga BBM

Jakarta (B2B) - Ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan meminta pemerintah berhati-hati dalam menentukan kebijakan, terutama ketika menetapkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan jangan sampai diserahkan pada harga pasar.

"Saya ingatkan pemerintah harus hati-hati dalam menetapkan harga BBM, jangan sampai ikut-ikutan harga pasar," kata Zulkifli, yang juga Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Partai Amanat Nasional (DPP PAN) saat dihubungi di Jakarta, Minggu.

Ia mengemukakan, seharusnya BBM mendapatkan subsidi karena Undang-Undang Dasar Pasal 33 mengamanatkan demikian, yang artinya jika penetapan harga diserahkan kepada harga pasar, maka pemerintah sudah melanggar konstitusi.

"BBM itu menurut undang-undang harus dapat subsidi karena amanat UUD kan seperti itu untuk hajat hidup orang banyak. Jika BBM ikut harga pasar, itu artinya pemerintah berpotensi melanggar kontitusi," ujarnya menambahkan. (Ant)

Jakarta (B2B) - Chairman of the Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly, known as the MPR Zulkifli Hasan asked the government to be careful in deciding the prices of fuel oils.

"I hope the government will be cautious in deciding the prices of fuel oils. It should not follow the market price mechanism," Mr Hasan said here on Sunday.

He said that fuel oils should be subsidized as required by Article 33 of the Constitution, meaning that the if the government left fuel oil prices to the market mechanism, it violated the Constitution.

"Fuel oil should be subsidized based on the message of the Constitution which suggested that it should serve the interest of the people. If the price of fuel oils follows the market price, it meas that the government is potentially violating the Constitution," he said.