Tukin Dipotong, Sanksi ASN Bolos Hari Pertama pasca Cuti Lebaran

Performance Benefits Cut for Indonesian`s Civil Servants Missing 1st Working Day

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Tukin Dipotong, Sanksi ASN Bolos Hari Pertama pasca Cuti Lebaran
Foto: istimewa

Jakarta [B2B] - Menteri Dalam Negeri RI Tjahjo Kumolo mengingatkan aparatur sipil negara [ASN] di Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI [Kemendagri] yang bolos pada hari pertama setelah cuti bersama Lebaran 2019 akan dikenakan sanksi pemotongan tunjangan kinerja [Tukin] disertai skorsing selama tiga hari.

”ASN yang tidak masuk kerja tanpa alasan yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan, diberikan sanksi peringatan tertulis dari Sekjen, pemotongan tunjangan kinerja dan skorsing tiga hari," kata Tjahjo kepada pers di Jakarta, Jakarta, Senin (10/6).

Tjahjo mengatakan sanksi tersebut diberikan semata-mata untuk meningkatkan disiplin kerja ASN, khususnya di lingkungan Kemendagri dan BNPP, agar senantiasa mematuhi aturan yang ada.

Sebelumnya pada tanggal 27 Mei 2019 Menteri PAN-RB Syafruddin mengeluarkan surat No. B/26/M.SM.00.01/2019 tentang Laporan Hasil Pemantauan Kehadiran Aparatur Negara Sesudah Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1440 H.

Surat tersebut ditujukan kepada para Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian (PPK) Instansi Pusat dan Daerah. Dalam surat itu, Kementerian PAN-RB mendorong para PPK dan pejabat yang berwenang (Pyb) diseluruh instansi pemerintah, untuk melakukan pemantauan kehadiran Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) seusai Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1440 H, yakni hari Senin tanggal 10 Juni 2019.Laporan Hasil Pemantauan Kehadiran ASN diinput melalui aplikasi http://sidina.menpan.go.id.

Bagi ASN yang tidak masuk kerja tanpa disertai alasan yang sah pada Senin tanggal 10 Juni 2019, maka akan dijatuhi hukuman disiplin karena melakukan pelanggaran terhadap kewajiban Pasal 3 Angka 17 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 53 Tahun 2010 tentang Disiplin PNS.

Untuk penjatuhan hukuman disiplin kepada ASN dapat dilaporkan kepada Menteri PAN-RB serta ditembuskan kepada Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) paling lambat 10 Juli 2019.Sementara apabila dalam proses pelaporan terdapat kesulitan, dapat dikirimkan melalui email asdep1.sdma@menpan.go.id.

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo stated that his ministry's state civil apparatus (PNS) skipping first day of office will be slapped sanctions in the form of cuts in performance benefits and three-day suspension. 

"Those employees failing to return to work without justifiable reasons have received written warning sanctions of the secretary general, cuts in performance allowances, and a three-day suspension," Kumolo told reporters here on Monday [June 10].

Kumolo remarked that the sanctions were imposed to improve discipline at work of employees, especially within the Interior Ministry to ensure continued adherence to existent rules.

On May 27, 2019, State Administrative Reforms Minister Syafruddin had issued letter no. B / 26 / M.SM.00.01 / 2019 concerning Report on the Results of Monitoring the Presence of State Apparatus after Leave Together with Eid Al-Fitr 1440 H. The letter was addressed to the Staffing Officers (PPK) at central and regional government institutions.

In the letter, the State Administrative Reforms Ministry has encouraged PPK and Authorized Officials (Pyb) across government agencies to monitor the presence of employees after the Joint Leave of Eid al-Fitr 1440 H, which is Monday, June 10, 2019.

The PNS Attendance Monitoring Report is input through the application http://sidina.menpan.go.id. Those PNS failing to report to work without valid reasons on Monday, June 10, 2019, will face disciplinary sanctions for violating Article 3 Number 17 of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants.

Matters related to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on ASN can be reported to the State Administrative Reforms Minister and sent to the Head of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) no later than July 10, 2019.