Sebelum Selfie Harus Waspadai Lokasi, Ini Akibat yang Dialami Remaja Purworejo

Teenager`s Skull is Smashed by a Passing Train as They Took a Selfie

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Sebelum Selfie Harus Waspadai Lokasi, Ini Akibat yang Dialami Remaja Purworejo
Aksi nekat remaja Purworejo ini jangan ditiru, karena fatal akibatnya setelah foto selfie di tepi rel kereta (Foto2: MailOnline)

SEORANG gadis remaja secara selamat setelah tertabrak kereta saat dia berfoto selfie dengan teman-temannya.

Ely Hayati, 16 tahun, tengah berjalan di rel kereta api dengan ketiga temannya saat mereka kemudian memutuskan untuk berpose selfie dan salah satu dari mereka kemudian mengeluarkan tongkat narsis.

Sebuah foto memperlihatkan saat kepalanya dihantam kereta, sementara teman-temannya yang tidak menyadari hal itu malah tertawa terbahak-bahak sebelum mereka menyadari bahwa seorang kawan mereka dihantam kereta.

Ketiga temannya masih tersenyum, sementara Ely Hayati terluka parah karena tengkorak kepalanya robek, di sebelah kereta yang melaju kencang.

Gadis-gadis itu mengatakan bahwa teman mereka telah berdiri di belakang mereka, namun kemudian terpental akibat dihantam kereta.

Tidak diketahui apakah dia terluka oleh kereta yang memukulnya atau saat dia jatuh ke lempengan batu di rel kereta.

Insiden tersebut terjadi di Kota Purworejo, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Jawa Tengah.

Foto ketiga memperlihatkan Eli Hayati tergeletak terluka di depan jembatan dengan luka menganga sebagian yang kemudian ditutupi kain.

Dia dilarikan ke rumah sakit setempat oleh polisi dan foto keempat menunjukkan kulit kepalanya telah dijahit kembali.

Dia akan membutuhkan perhatian medis lebih lanjut dan dokter belum melaporkan apakah dia akan menderita kerusakan otak jangka panjang.

Pihak berwenang setempat tidak menjelaskan apakah gadis-gadis itu berjalan di area terlarang di dekat rel kereta api seperti dilansir MailOnline.

A TEENAGE girl miraculously survived being hit by a train as she posed for a selfie with her friends in Indonesia.

Ely Hayati, 16, had been walking by the railway tracks with her three friends when they decided to pose for a picture and one of them got their selfie stick out.

One photo shows the moment she is struck, and show her friends laughing during the split second before they realise she has been hit.

Her three friends are still smiling, as Ms Hayati lies injured with her skull cracked open behind them, next to the speeding train.

The girls said their friend had been standing behind them, but went flying as a result of a heavy collision.

It is not known if she was injured by the train hitting her or when she fell onto a stone slab on the track.

The incident took place the city of Purworejo in Indonesia's Central Java Province this week.  

Subsequent images show Ms Hayati lying injured on the ground with her gaping wound partially visible under an item of clothing.

She was rushed to a local hospital by the police and pictures show her scalp having been sewn back together.

She will require further medical attention and doctors have yet to report whether she will suffer from any long-term brain damage.

Local authorities did not clarify whether the girls were walking in a restricted area next to the tracks.