SBY: Persiapan Menuju Komunitas ASEAN Capai 70%

ASEAN Economic Community Preparation Completed About 70%, Indonesian Presiden Says

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

SBY: Persiapan Menuju Komunitas ASEAN Capai 70%
Foto: istimewa

Nay Pyi Taw (B2B) - Persiapan yang dilakukan negara-negara anggota Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN) untuk menyongsong Komunitas ASEAN 2015 telah mencapai 70%.

"Kemajuan yang dicapai relatif baik, Semua sudah diatas 70 persen. Tapi tentu kita harus bekerja lebih keras lagi melengkapi dalam waktu 1,5 tahun mendatang sehingga ketika diberlakukan masyarakat ASEAN sudah betul-betul siap," kata Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam keterangan persnya di Nay Pyi Taw, Senin, menjelang kembali ke Indonesia.

Presiden menyampaikan bahwa para pemimpin ASEAN melakukan pembahasan mendalam terkait kesiapan negara-negara anggota ASEAN menyambut Komunitas ASEAN di akhir 2015 terutama setelah mendengarkan laporan persiapan yang disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN.

"Sekjen ASEAN menyampaikan kemajuan dalam tiga pilar (Politik dan Keamanan, Sosial Budaya dan Ekonomi)," katanya.

Terkait dengan kemajuan persiapan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang memiliki peran penting di kawasan, Presiden mengatakan bahwa Indonesia terus bekerja keras, terutama disisa masa bakti pemerintahan Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II, untuk menyelesaikan persiapan yang diperlukan.

"Kita terus bekerja pada sisa masa bakti pemerintahan yang saya pimpin, sisa enam bulan mudah-mudahan semua bisa kita selesaikan," katanya.

Presiden Yudhoyono melakukan kunjungan tiga hari dua malam di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, untuk menghadiri Pertemuan Puncak ke-24 ASEAN. Sekalipun dibayang-bayangi oleh ketegangan di Laut China Selatan, namun para pemimpin ASEAN mampu merumuskan komitmen untuk terus mendorong pencapaian Komunitas ASEAN pada 2015. 

Sejumlah pemimpina ASEAN, termasuk Ketua ASEAN saat ini Presiden Myanmar Thein Sein menekankan keperluan bagi negara-negara Asia Tenggara untuk memiliki satu sikap dan visi. (Ant)

Nay Pyi Taw (B2B) - The member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian ations (ASEAN) have completed about 70 percent of their preparations to face the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), stated President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"The progress made so far is relatively good. All the members have completed over 70 percent of the preparations. But, we have to work hard to complete it in the remaining 1.5 years, so that all the members are ready on time," President Yudhoyono informed the press before he left for Indonesia here on Monday, as reported

He remarked that the ASEAN leaders had held comprehensive discussions on the preparations of the ASEAN members to face the AEC at the end of 2015, particularly after they had heard a progress report on the AEC preparations by the ASEAN secretary general.

"The secretary general delivered a progress report on the three pillars (politics, security, and socio-economic culture)," he added.

With regard to the preparations made by Indonesia as a member that plays an important role in the region, the President affirmed that Indonesia will continue to work hard, particularly in the remaining term of the current government of the Indonesia United Cabinet II, to complete the required preparations.

"We continue to work in the remaining term of our government. We hope that we can finish all the necessary preparations in the remaining six months," President Yudhoyono noted.

Yudhoyono has made a two-day visit to Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, to attend the 24th ASEAN Summit. Although they were overshadowed by tensions related to the South China Sea, the ASEAN leaders were able to formulate a commitment towards achieving the AEC goals by 2015.

Several ASEAN leaders, including the current ASEAN chair Myanmar President Thein Sein stressed the importance for Southeast Asian nations to adopt a common outlook and vision.