Museum Matematika Dibuka di New York

New Museum of Math Opens in New York

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Museum Matematika Dibuka di New York
Museum Matematika (Foto:

New York (B2B) - Kota New York, Amerika Serikat, membuka Museum of Matematika (MoMath), sebuah museum yang didekasikan untuk matematika.

MoMath memamerkan 30 fitur interaktif yang memuat peran matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.  Semua aspek dalam museum itu diikhami matematika, mulai dari lantai, tangga, hingga kamar mandi.

"Kami ingin menunjukkan matematika menyenangkan, indah, dan metematika akan memberikan Anda pekerjaan yang bagus," kata pendiri dan Direktur Eksekutif MoMath Glen Whitney, seperti dikutip LiveScience.

Dalam salah satu peraga, pengunjung dapat membuat video fraktal dari tubuh mereka sendiri dengan berpose di depan kamera yang menggandakan bentuk tubuh mereka.

Anak-anak juga dapat mengendarai sepeda roda tiga dengan roda berbentuk kotak yang tetap dapat berjalan berkat trek yang didesain khusus.

"Ada pengalaman langka yang bisa dilakukan dengan matematika," kata Whitney. "Kami ingin orang-orang bermain, mencoba berbagai hal."

Diharapkan dengan museum ini, warga New York di segala usia dapat terlibat dengan matematika. Ia juga berencana mengadakan MoMath Masters, turnamen bagi pengunjung dewasa dan juga klub untuk anak-anak.

"Hal terbesar yang ingin kami lakukan adalah mengubah perspektif orang tentang matematika," kata Direktur Asosiasi Cindy Lawrence

Museum dua lantai ini dibuka untuk umum mulai 15 Desember tahun ini, terletak di Madison Square Park, 11E 26th street.

New York - The floors, the staircases, and even the bathrooms are imbued with math at the new National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), set to open.

The museum features more than 30 exhibits, every one interactive and colorful, that communicate the many ways math plays a role in our world and our everyday lives.

"We want to show that math is fun, that math is beautiful, and that math will get you a really good job," MoMath founder and executive director Glen Whitney told reporters during a press preview Thursday (Dec. 13).

Visitors can create video fractals with their own bodies by posing in front of a camera that multiplies their form over and over again.

Kids can ride a tricycle with square wheels that manages to roll smoothly because of a specially curved track.

"There's been such a dearth of great interactive experiences having to do with math," Whitney said. "We want people to play; we want people to just take things, try them out."

The museum is meant to engage New Yorkers of all ages in the joy of math. An adult math tournament called MoMath Masters will be held annually, and kids clubs and camps are planned. The museum will even offer custom math tours of any area of New York City for groups.

"The biggest thing we're trying to do here is change people's perspective of mathematics," said museum associate director Cindy Lawrence.

 the two-floor facility is aimed at the whole family, and will open to the public just north of Madison Square Park at 11 E. 26th St.