JK: Indonesia Lebih Damai daripada Negara Islam Lainnya

VP Kalla Says Indonesia is more Peaceful than Other Islamic Countries

Reporter : Adipati Edonizar
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

JK: Indonesia Lebih Damai daripada Negara Islam Lainnya
Wakil Presiden RI Jusuf Kalla (Foto: istimewa)

Bandung, Jabar (B2B) - Indonesia sebagai negara dengan penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, lebih damai daripada negara-negara Islam lainnya saat ini, rakyat Indonesia seharusnya bersyukur atas kondisi ini sementara hampir sepertiga negara Islam di dunia dilanda konflik.

"Kami bersyukur bahwa Indonesia, meski pernah mengalami konflik di masa lalu, sekarang adalah salah satu negara paling damai dibandingkan negara lain. Kami bukan Irak, kami bukan Suriah, kami bukan Libya, dan seterusnya," kata Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dalam arahannya pada sesi terbuka Senat Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) memperingati 60 tahun Unisba di Bandung, belum lama ini.

Menurutnya, banyak negara Islam saat ini mengalami penurunan di negara mereka, yang mengarah ke kondisi yang mengganggu, karena hampir sepertiga negara Islam di dunia mengalami konflik.

"Sepertiga, atau hampir 30 persen, negara-negara Islam mengalami konflik saat ini. Tentu saja, kami sedih melihatnya. Orang tidak saling membantu, tetapi saling membunuh. Segala macam konflik terjadi di Timur Tengah, "katanya.

Karena itu, JK berharap Indonesia dapat terus menjaga perdamaian meski ada perbedaan yang ada saat ini. Jika ada konflik, seperti di Irak dan Suriah, masa pemulihan akan membutuhkan setidaknya 30 tahun. 

"Sekali lagi, kami bersyukur bahwa Indonesia memiliki kedamaian, dan orang-orang di sini tidak saling bertikai. Adanya perbedaan pendapat adalah normal bagi suatu negara," ungkapnya.

Bandung of West Java (B2B) - Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that Indonesia, as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, was more peaceful than other Islamic countries today. People should be grateful for the condition.

"We are grateful that Indonesia, despite having experienced conflicts in the past, is now one of the most peaceful countries compared to other countries. We are not Iraq, we are not Syria, we are not Libya, and so on," Mr Kalla said here recently.

According to him, many Islamic countries are currently experiencing a downturn in their country, leading to disturbing conditions. Nearly one third of Islamic countries in the world have experienced conflicts, the vice president noted.

Mr Kalla said a third or almost 30 percent, of Islamic countries experience conflicts today. Of course, we are sad to see it. People are not helping each other, but killing each other. All kinds of conflicts occur in the Middle East.

Indonesian VP hope that Indonesia could continue to maintain peace despite the differences that exist today. If there are conflicts, such as in Iraq and Syria, the recovery period would require at least 30 years.

"Once again, we are grateful that Indonesia has peace, and people here do not fight with each other. The existence of differences of opinion is normal for a country," he revealed.