Remisi HUT Kemerdekaan RI Diberikan pada 74,468 Narapidana

74.468 Indonesian Prisoners Got Sentence Remissions of Government

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Remisi HUT Kemerdekaan RI Diberikan pada 74,468 Narapidana

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah RI melalui Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia memberikan pengurangan masa hukuman atau remisi kepada 74.468 narapidana di seluruh Tanah Air pada peringatan Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke-69.

Humas Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Akbar Hadi Prabowo dalam siaran pers di Jakarta, Minggu, menyatakan 1.919 narapidana mendapat remisi umum I dan masih menjalani pidana.

"Sebanyak 2.549 narapidana dinyatakan dapat langsung bebas karena setelah mendapat remisi, habis masa pidananya," tambah Akbar.

Rinciannya, di Jawa Barat ada 11.369 narapidana yang mendapatkan remisi umum, 374 di antaranya bisa langsung bebas.

Sementara jumlah narapidana yang mendapat remisi di DKI Jakarta sebanyak 6.945 orang dan di Jawa Timur ada 6.802 narapidana, 325 di antaranya dapat langsung menghirup udara bebas.

"Besaran remisi yang diberikan antara satu hingga enam bulan," ungkap Akbar.

Pada 2013, pemerintah juga telah memberikan remisi umum kepada 67.349 warga binaan, yang 2.197 di antaranya langsung bebas.

Tahun 2012, sejumlah 58.595 warga binaan yang telah memenuhi syarat tercatat mendapat remisi umum, 2.246 di antaranya dapat langsung bebas.

Pemberian remisi atau pengurangan masa pidana diberikan kepada narapidana sebagai penghargaan bagi mereka yang telah memenuhi persyaratan, di antaranya mengikuti berbagai program pembinaan dan tidak melanggar tata tertib selama masa pembinaan.

Kemenkumham telah memperketat persyaratan pemberian remisi dengan mengubah Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) 32/99 dengan PP 28/2006 dan kemudian disempurnakan dengan PP 99/2012.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian government through the Law and Human Rights Ministry has given remissions to 74,468 prisoners across the country on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of Indonesias Independence Day.

The Law and Human Rights Ministrys Spokesman, Akbar Hadi Prabowo stated said in a press statement made available that 71,919 prisoners had received type I sentence remissions.

At the same time, the other 2,549 prisoners who received the sentence reduction could directly walk free as they had completed their sentence tenure.

"The 2,549 prisoners who receive type II remission are now free as their sentences have been completed," said Akbar.

Most of the remissions were given to convicted criminals in West Java Province, where 11,369 prisoners got the remissions of whom 374 people had been released.

The second largest number of remissions went the Capital City of Jakartas 6,945 prisoners, of whom 205 inmates could walk free directly.

East Java Province saw the third largest remissions granted to 6,802 prisoners. Some 325 inmates received type II remissions.

"The sentence reduction given given to the inmates ranges from one to six months," said Akbar.

In the 2013 Indonesias Independence Day, the government had also given remissions to 67,349 convicted criminals with 2,197 of them were directly released.

In 2012, total 58,595 prisoners were given remissions and 2,246 among them were released.

Indonesian government gives the remissions to either adult inmates or children prisoners, particularly those who had received the coaching programs, behaved well and orderly.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights had tightened tightened the requirements for granting of remissions through amendment of Government Regulation (PP) Number 33/99 to PP Number 28/2006 and then PP 99/2012.