Gelar Pesta Tahun Baru, WNA di Bali Akan Dideportasi

´Get Ready to be Kicked Out,´ Bali Warns New Year Covid Violators

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Gelar Pesta Tahun Baru, WNA di Bali Akan Dideportasi
PROTOKOL KESEHATAN: Warga negara asing banyak terkena deportasi tahun ini karena melanggar aturan Covid-19 (Foto: AFP)

WARGA Negara Asing [WNA] telah diperingatkan akan dideportasi, jika melanggar prtokol kesehatan [prokes] Covid-19 selama pesta Tahun Baru 2022 di Bali, Indonesia, yang dirilis oleh Kementerian Hukum dan HAM [Kemenkumham] Bali.

"Bersiaplah untuk diusir," kata Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kemenkumham Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk kepada AFP, mengingat Indonesia sedang berusaha memutus penyebaran varian Omicron yang sekarang melanda dunia.

Dia mengatakan hampir 200 WNAtelah dideportasi dari Bali pada tahun 2021, dengan tujuh orang dikeluarkan karena melanggar prokes Covid-19.

"Yang dideportasi berjumlah 194, termasuk tujuh orang pelanggar prokes, itulah yang diusir dari Indonesia," kata Jamaruli, seperti dikutip AFP yang dilansir MailOnline.

Gubernur Bali juga telah melarang karnaval, kembang api, dan pertemuan lebih dari 50 orang selama periode Natal dan Tahun Baru.

Mal, restoran, dan kafe harus tutup pada pukul 10 malam, dan hanya beroperasi pada kapasitas 75%.

FOREIGN revellers on Indonesia's resort island of Bali have been warned they may be deported if they are caught violating Covid-19 health rules during New Year celebrations, authorities warned on Thursday.

"Get ready to be kicked out," Bali immigration office head Jamaruli Manihuruk said in an interview with AFP, warning that health rules must be observed as the country seeks to fend off the Omicron variant now sweeping the world.

Bali's governor has barred carnivals, fireworks and gatherings of more than 50 people over the Christmas and New Year period.

Malls, restaurants and cafes must shut by 10 pm, and only operate at 75 percent capacity.

Bali's beautiful tropical scenery, surf beaches and party scene have made it a playground for masses of Australian and New Zealand tourists, as well as those based in nearby cities such as Singapore.

Almost 200 tourists were deported from Bali in 2021, Manihuruk said, with seven booted out for violating Covid-19 protocols.

In July three foreign tourists from the United States, Ireland and Russia were sent home after they were caught not wearing masks in public during a raid.


In May, a Russian influencer and a US-based Taiwanese YouTuber were deported after posting a video where the former was seen strolling around Bali with a painted mask on her face.

The video sparked fury from Indonesians online, who demanded the pair apologise and be sent home.

Indonesia has been seriously hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

As of Wednesday, it had reported more than 4.2 million confirmed Covid-19 cases, and more than 144,000 deaths.

Bali alone reported more than 110,000 confirmed cases with over 4,000 deaths.

With vaccination rates relatively low, the country remains vulnerable to new outbreaks, especially of the more easily transmitted Omicron variant that is driving record case numbers in Europe.

There have been 68 confirmed cases of Omicron in Indonesia so far, according to government data.