Gaza jadi Bahasan Utama Pertemuan SBY dan Sekjen PBB

Indonesian President and UN Secretary General Discuss Development in Gaza

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Gaza jadi Bahasan Utama Pertemuan SBY dan Sekjen PBB
Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon dan Presiden SBY (Foto:

Nusa Dua (B2B) - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) menggelar pertemuan dengan Sekjen Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) Ban Ki-moon, di Nusa Dua, Kabupaten Badung, Bali.

Menteri Luar Negeri RI Marty Natalegawa mengatakan, keduanya mendiskusikan perkembangan situasi di Gaza, Palestina.

"Sekjen PBB memberikan apresiasi yang sangat mendalam kepada Presiden yang selama ini telah menyuarakan secara lugas, tegas, dan terbuka agar konflik di Gaza segera dihentikan," kata Marty Natalegawa selepas pertemuan bilateral Presiden Yudhoyono dengan Ban Ki-moon, Kamis.

Marty mengatakan Presiden Yudhoyono mengapresiasi upaya Sekjen PBB. Kedua pemimpin itu berharap gencatan senjata yang telah dicapai beberapa hari ini di Gaza dapat dipertahankan dan akar masalah harus diatasi, termasuk blokade terhadap Gaza.

Kedua pimpinan, lanjut Marty, juga mendiskusikan kemampuan masyarakat Gaza untuk menumbuhkembangkan perekonomian dan menyampaikan keprihatinan mereka atas keamanan dari Israel.

Selain mendiskusikan perkembangan Gaza, pertemuan bilateral itu juga membahas situasi kawasan Asia Tenggara dan kepemimpinan Presiden Yudhoyono di kerangka kawasan Asia Tenggara.

"Keduanya juga mendiskusikan perkembangan di Suriah dan Irak dan juga peranan Presiden di bidang MDG 2015," tutur Marty.

Pertemuan bilateral itu dilakukan di sela-sela rangkaian Pertemuan ke-6 Forum Global Aliansi Peradaban PBB di Nusa Dua Bali.

Aliansi Peradaban PBB dibentuk oleh Ban Ki-moon pada 14 Juli 2005. Aliansi itu bertujuan menjembatani jurang antara Islam dan Barat serta membangun kemauan politik dan aksi bersama untuk menghadapi prasangka, mispersepsi, dan menolak ekstrimisme dalam masyarakat.

Aliansi Peradaban PBB itu memiliki empat pilar tindakan yaitu pendidikan, kepemudaan, media, dan migrasi.

Nusa Dua (B2B) - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and  held a bilateral meeting here on Thursday to discuss the latest developments in Gaza.

After the meeting, Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegwa noted that Ban highly appreciated President Yudhoyono for his efforts to have an early end to the Gaza conflict.

"The UN chief highly appreciates President Yudhoyono who has been calling straightforwardly, emphatically, and openly for an immediate end to the conflict in Gaza," Natalegawa remarked.

He stated that the Indonesian and UN leaders have expressed hope that the ceasefire reached in the last couple of days in Gaza can continue to be maintained, and the root cause of the conflict can be addressed immediately.

Marty elaborated that the two leaders also discussed ways to promote Gazas economy and expressed their concerns over the pressure from Israel.

Besides discussing the developments in Gaza, they also reviewed the situation in Southeast Asia and Yudhoyonos leadership in the framework of the Southeast Asian region.

"They also discussed the developments in Syria and Iraq, and the role of President Yudhoyono in meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goals," Natalegawa added.

Yudhoyono and Ban held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 6th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) themed "Unity in Diversity: Celebrating Diversity for Common and Shared Values."

The alliance is an initiative of the UN secretary general that is supported by 114 states and 25 international organizations to develop innovative models for ameliorating identity-based tensions around the world.

The forums breakout sessions will cover the issues of promoting harmony through inter-religious and cross-cultural dialog, the role of women in fostering understanding among cultures, promoting understanding through the power of sports, arts, music, and entertainment, youth participation in peace-building, media conversation across lines, harnessing the positive power of social media, social inclusion and migration, and the perception of migration.