Aksi Bom Bandung jadi Sorotan Media Internasional

Indonesia Police Shoot Dead Suspected Militant during Attack

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Aksi Bom Bandung jadi Sorotan Media Internasional
Foto: MailOnline

POLISI menembak mati terduga teroris di Bandung pada Senin setelah pelaku meledakkan bom panci di sebuah tanah kosong dan melarikan ke kantor kelurahan kemudian mengamuk dan mencoba melawan polisi di lantai dua aula kelurahan.

Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian mengatakan diduga anggota kelompok militan Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) yang masuk daftar kelompok teror oleh AS pada Januari. Kelompok militan JAD diketahui menjalin komunikasi dengan Bahrun Naim, warga Indonesia yang aktif menjadi pendukung Negara Islam Irak Suriah (ISIS).

Kapolri Tito mengatakan pelaku menuntut pembebasan rekan-rekannya dari tahanan.

"Polisi mengetahui pelaku dari kelompok JAD, tapi kami belum meyakini bahwa pelaku melakukan komunikasi dengan Bahrun Naim," kata Tito. "Dia menuntut teman-temannya dibebaskan dari penjara."

Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Yusri Yunus mengatakan pelaku teror ditembak di perut dan tewas dalam perjalanan ke rumah sakit.

Polisi menegaskan tengah melacak kemungkinan adanya pelaku kedua, setelah polisi terlibat baku tembak dengan pelaku. Tayangan televisi menunjukkan
polisi menyerbu masuk kantor kelurahan dan terlihat kepulan asap hitam dari lantai atas.

Indonesia menindak tegas aksi terorisme oleh kelompok militan Islam sejak tragedi Bom Bali pada 2002 yang menewaskan 202 orang, sebagian besar warga asing. Penangkapan ratusan militan Islam dan tindakan tegas terhadap pemimpin kelompok militan Jamaah Islamiyah, pada mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas Bom Bali dan serangan lain, namun ancaman baru muncul dari kelompok radikal yang mendukung ISIS.

Aksi terorisme pada Januari 2016 di Jl Sudirman, Jakarta menewaskan delapan orang, termasuk empat pelaku. Aksi terorisme berikutnya berhasil ditumpas polisi dengan menembak mati pelakunya oleh Densus 88, termasuk rencana penyerangan di Istana Presiden saat pergantian pasukan jaga Paspampres.

Kombes Yusri Yunus mengatakan ada pelaku lain pada serangan di Cicendo pada Senin karena para saksi mata kepada polisi mengaku melihat dua orang mengendarai sepeda motor tiba di tempat meledaknya bom dan salah satu pelaku melarikan diri setelah terjadi ledakan.

Bom berdaya ledak rendah tersebut meledak sekitar 50 meter dari kantor kelurahan.

Yunus mengatakan pelaku yang memasuki kelurahan dipersenjatai dengan pistol dan tampaknya memiliki bahan peledak dalam tas ransel. Ketika polisi meminta dia untuk menyerah, pekau menanggapi dengan melemparkan keluar bahan peledak.

Semua pekerja di kantor kelurahan langsung berlarian setelah pelaku peledakan masuk untuk bersembunyi.Tayangan televisi menunjukkan polisi menggunakan tangga untuk membantu beberapa orang keluar melalui jendela bangunan sepertid dikutip Associated Press yang dilansir MailOnline.

Iwan, warga Bandung kepada mengatakan MetroTV bahwa ia mendengar ledakan dan melihat warga dan mahasiswa mengejar penyerang saat ia berlari ke kantor kelurahan, seraya meneriaki, "Teroris! Teroris! Tangkap dia!"

INDONESIAN police said they shot and killed a suspected militant in the West Java capital of Bandung on Monday after his bomb exploded in a vacant lot and he fled into a municipal building and set it alight.

National police chief Tito Karnavian said the man was a member of Jemaah Ansharut Daulah, which was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. in January. Members of the militant group have contacts with Bahrun Naim, an Indonesian fighting with the Islamic State group in Syria who has instigated several attacks by JAD in Indonesia.

Karnavian said the attacker wanted fellow Islamic militants who are in prison to be released.

"What we know is that he is from JAD, but we are still not sure whether he has contact with Bahrun Naim," Karnavian said. "Clearly he wanted his friends to be released."

West Java police spokesman Yusri Yunus said the attacker was shot in the stomach and died on the way to a hospital.

No one apart from the suspected militant was injured in the attack, which triggered a massive police response and gunbattle. TV footage showed police storming the municipal building as black smoke billowed from its upper floors.

Indonesia has carried out a sustained crackdown on Islamic militants since the 2002 bombings on the tourist island of Bali killed 202 people, mostly foreigners. The arrests of hundreds of militants and the killings of leading figures have neutralized the Jemaah Islamiyah militant network, which was responsible for the Bali bombings and other attacks, but a new threat has emerged from Islamic State-inspired radicals.

An attack in January 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, killed eight people, including four attackers. Other recent attacks have killed only the perpetrators or been foiled by counterterrorism police, including a December plot to bomb a guard-changing ceremony at the presidential palace, a popular attraction in Jakarta.

Yunus said another person may have been involved in Monday's attack because witnesses told police they saw two men on a motorbike arrive at the lot where the bomb exploded and one of them riding away following the explosion.

The low-explosive bomb exploded about 50 meters (55 yards) from the municipal building.

Yunus said the man who entered the building was armed with a gun and apparently had explosives in a backpack. When police called on him to surrender, he responded by throwing out an explosive.

All workers in the building escaped after the attacker ran into it. TV footage showed police using a ladder to help some people out through the building's windows.

Iwan, a Bandung resident identified by one name, told MetroTV that he heard the explosion and saw residents and students chasing the attacker as he ran to the building, yelling, "Terrorist! Terrorist! Catch him!"