Didukung `Fintech`, LPDB-KUMKM Optimistis Target 2018 Terealisir 86%

Financial Technology Supports Indonesia Provide Venture Capital Loan for Cooperatives and SMEs

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Didukung `Fintech`, LPDB-KUMKM Optimistis Target 2018 Terealisir 86%
DANA BERGULIR: Direktur Utama LPDB-KUMKM Braman Setyo (tengah) menjawab pers didampingi Kabag Humas Kemenkop UKM, Dharmono (Foto: B2B/Mya)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM melalui Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir - LPDB-KUMKM optimistis dapat mencapai target 86% dari pagu penyaluran dana bergulir APBN sebesar Rp1,2 triliun, meskipun hingga Oktober 2018 baru mencapai Rp38,5 miliar atau 3,12% dari target. LPDB-KUMKM menggandeng enam perusahaan financial technology (Fintech) untuk mendukung percepatan realisasi dana bergulir secara transparan, akuntabel dan memenuhi ketentuan ´clear governance´.

Keenam Fintech adalah PT Investree Radhika Jaya dikenal sebagai Investree, PT Aman Cermat Cepat (Klik ACC), PT Pasar Dana Pinjaman (Danamas), PT Lunaria Annua Teknologi (Koinworks), PT Indonusa Bara Sejahtera (Taralite) dan PT iGrow Resources Indonesia (iGrow).

Direktur Utama LPDB-KUMKM Braman Setyo mengatakan meskipun saat ini realisasi penyaluran masih minim, namun LPDB optimistis dalam sisa waktu 2018 akan mendekati target 100%, diupayakan minimal 86% dari pagu APBN 2018 akan tersalurkan hingga tutup tahun 2018 didukung inovasi teknologi informasi dan enam perusahaan Fintech.

"Keenam Fintech dinyatakan layak bermitra dengan LPDB setelah melalui serangkaian beuty contest. Diharapkan dukungan perusahaan fintech semakin mempermudah dan mempercepat penyaluran dana bergulir," kata Braman Setyo kepada pers di Jakarta, belum lama ini.

Menurutnya, di sisa waktu 2018 maka LPDB akan menggelontorkan dana bergulir setelah dinyatakan layak administratif dan keekonomian, dan perusahaan Fintech akan mendukung maksimal percepatan penyaluran dana bergulir.

"Kita pilih enam Fintech, karena reputasinya, seperti syarat beroperasi minimal dua tahun. Dalam dua tahun kita dapat melihat kinerja dan portofolionya. Tidak mudah memang, karena keenam perusahaan Fintech punya model bisnis yang berbeda. LPDB membangun sistem agar match dengan Fintech," kata Braman.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesia´s fund management institutions lending to cooperatives and SMEs or the LPDB-KUMKM optimistic to reach the target of 86% of the 2018 State Budget of IDR1.2 trillion, although until October 2018 it only reached IDR38.5 billion or 3.12% of the target. The LPDB-KUMKM collaborates with six financial technology companies or Fintech to be transparent, accountable and clear governance.

The six Fintech companies are Investree Radhika Jaya known as Investree, Aman Cermat Cepat (Click ACC), Pasar Dana Pinjaman (Danamas), Lunaria Annua Teknologi (Koinworks), Indonusa Bara Sejahtera(Taralite) and iGrow Resources Indonesia (iGrow).

President Director of the LPDB-KUMKM Braman Setyo said say despite the minimal realization, the LPDB is optimistic that it will reach the 2018 target, at least 86% of the 100% target for 2018 is supported by information technology innovation.

"The six Fintech companies were declared eligible to be LPDB partners after going through the beuty contest. The support of Fintech companies will facilitate and accelerate achievement of LPDB targets," Mr Setyo told the press here, recently.

According to him, until the end of 2018 the LPDB would provide venture capital loans after cooperatives and SMEs were declared administrative and economic feasible.

"We chose six Fintech companies, because of their reputation, such as the minimum operating requirement of two years. In two years we can see its performance and portfolio," Mr Setyo said.