Hari UMKM Internasional Buenos Aires Gagas Konsep `Humane Entrepreneurship`

ICSB World Conference Buenos Aires Initiate `Humane Entrepreneurship` Concept

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Hari UMKM Internasional Buenos Aires Gagas Konsep `Humane Entrepreneurship`
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Jakarta (B2B) - Puncak peringatan Hari UMKM Internasional di Buenos Aires, Argentina pada 27 Juni lalu melahirkan konsep dan inti perjuangan kewirausahaan berbasis kemanusiaan atau 'humane entrepreneurship' disingkat HE.

Presiden International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Indonesia Hermawan Kartajaya mengatakan, setelah mengalami proses cukup panjang, konsep HE ini menjadi inti dari hari UMKM Internasional atau UN MSME Day sesuai dengan Keputusan Sidang ICSB pada 30 Juni 2017.

"Di sesi tersebut kami menjelaskan bahwa dengan makin canggihnya teknologi yang mendukung industri, peranan manusia makin dibutuhkan," kata Hermawan yang menjadi menjadi pembicara mewakili ACSB dalam sesi "Humane Entrepreneurship" di ICSB Conference pada 30 Juni 2017 sebagai rangkaian puncak peringatan Hari UMKM Internasional.

Konferensi berlangsung di di San Agustin Auditorium, University Catholic of Argentina (UCA) di Puerto Modero, Buenos Aires.

Menurutnya, konsep kewirausahaan berbasis kemanusiaan memadukan enterprises cycle dan human cycle yang dirintis oleh Prof Kim Kichan, Immediate Past President ICSB dari Korea sejak dua tahun lalu pada Konferensi ICSB ke-60 di Dubai pada Juni 2015.

Jakarta (B2B) - The International Council for Small Business (ICSB World Conference Buenos Aires) on June 28 - July 1, 2017 initiate the concept of entrepreneurship based on humanity or 'humane entrepreneurship' according to the President of Indonesia's International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Hermawan Kartajaya.

Mr Kartajaya said said the concept of humane entrepreneurship became the focus of International Day of SMEs according to the results of the ICSB decision on 30 June 2017.

"In that session we explained that the increasing role of technology supports the industry so the role of human beings is very vital," said Mr Kartajaya who became a speaker representing ACSB in humane entrepreneurship session at ICSB Conference on June 30, 2017 as the core of International SME Day in Buenos Aires.

The conference took place at the San Agustin Auditorium, University Catholic of Argentina in Puerto Modero of Buenos Aires.

According to him, the concept of human-based entrepreneurship combines enterprises cycle and human cycles initiated by Prof. Kim Kichan, Immediate Past President ICSB of Korea since two years ago at the 60th ICSB Conferece in Dubai in June 2015.