Reorientasi Koperasi, Kemenkop UKM Akui 1.035 Penyuluh Lapangan Belum Ideal

Indonesian Cooperative Extensionist not Comparable with 152,714 units across the Country

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Reorientasi Koperasi, Kemenkop UKM Akui 1.035 Penyuluh Lapangan Belum Ideal
kata Deputi Kelembagaan Kemenkop UKM, Untung Tri Basuki (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM berupaya melakukan reorientasi pengembangan koperasi dengan menambah jumlah, dan meningkatkan peran dan fungsi petugas penyuluh koperasi lapangan (PPKL). Saat ini 1.035 PPKL tersebar di 33 provinsi dan 270 kabupaten/kota, dan jumlahnya diakui belum ideal dibandingkan 152.714 unit koperasi di seluruh Indonesia, yang terdiri atas 23.551 koperasi simpan pinjam (KSP) dan 127.627 non KSP.

"Untuk meningkatkan pengembangan koperasi, Kemenkop UKM akan menambah jumlah PPKL, saat ini jumlah baru 1.035 PPKL tersebar di 33 provinsi dan 270 kabupaten dan kota. Jumlahnya masih kurang dibandingkan 152.714 koperasi yang terdiri atas 23.551 unit KSP dan 127.627 unit non KSP," kata Deputi Kelembagaan Kemenkop UKM, Untung Tri Basuki kepada pers di Jakarta, Jumat (21/9).

Langkah tersebut, katanya, harus didukung kemudahan proses pelayanan perijinan berusaha terintegrasi online atau online single submission disingkat OSS, sehingga akan lebih banyak koperasi yang mampu bersaing di pasar global dan masuk bursa saham.

Menurut Deputi Kelembagaan, Kemenkop UKM terus berupaya meningkatkan pengembangan ekosistem koperasi berkelanjutan sebagaimana arahan Presiden RI Joko Widodo agar Kemenkop UKM untuk reorientasi dan rehabilitasi koperasi menjadi entitas ekonomi yang mumpuni di Indonesia.

"Alhamdulillah koperasi kini tidak lagi terkesan miskin. Koperasi sudah mampu bersaing di pasar bebas hingga ke pasar global, bahkan masuk di lantai bursa," kata Untung Tri Basuki.

Terkait pembubaran koperasi, dia menyinggung fasilitas akta pendirian koperasi, pengembangan tata kelola koperasi yang baik serta pembubaran koperasi.

"Tidak ada lagi koperasi papan nama. Koperasi itu harus ada aktivitas, rapat anggota tahunan atau RAT dan lain-lain. Proses ini terus berlangsung, usulan pembubaran juga masih ada," katanya.

Menurutnya, dalam upaya rehabilitasi koperasi  diperlukan pendataan koperasi yang akurat, sehingga terintegrasi dengan program kementerian secara keseluruhan.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Cooperatives & SMEs Ministry  trying to reorient development of cooperatives by increasing the number and enhance the role and function of cooperative extensionist or the PPKL. Currently, 1,035 PPKL are spread in 33 provinces and 270 regencies/cities, and the number is recognized not ideal than 152.714 cooperative units across the country, consists of 23,551 units savings and loan cooperatives or the KSP and 127,627 non KSP.

"To support the development of cooperatives, the ministry will increase the number of PPKL, currently 1,035 people are spread in 33 provinces and 270 districts and cities. The number is still less than 152,714 cooperatives consists of 23,551 KSP units and 127,627 non KSP units," said the Deputy Minister of Institutional, Untung Tri Basuki here on Friday (September 21).

The policy, he said, must be supported by online single submission or the OSS, so that more cooperatives compete in the global market and enter the stock exchange.

According to him, the ministry is trying to improve sustainable cooperative development as directed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo to reorient and rehabilitate cooperatives to become qualified economic entities in Indonesia.

Related to the dissolution of the cooperative, he also mentioned the cooperative deed establishment facility, and development of cooperative governance.

"There is no more nameplate cooperative. The cooperative must have activities, annual member meetings or RAT and others. The process continues, the proposed dissolution is still there," Mr Basuki said.

According to him, in an effort to rehabilitate cooperatives an accurate cooperative data collection is needed, so that it is integrated with the ministry program.