Cegah Fraud `Fintech`, Kemenkop UKM Gandeng Polri dan BIN

Indonesian Ministry Cooperates with Police and Intelligence to Prevent Cyber Fraud

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Cegah Fraud `Fintech`, Kemenkop UKM Gandeng Polri dan BIN
KEJAHATAN FINTECH: Deputi bidang Pengawasan Kemenkop UKM, Suparno (tengah) menjawab pers didampingi Sesdep Daniel Asnur (Foto: Humas Kemenkop UKM)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM berupaya mengantisipasi aneka penyalahgunaan teknologi informasi pada jasa keuangan dan mencegah fraud pada sistem financial technology (fintech), khususnya di sektor koperasi dengan menggandeng Kepolisian RI (Polri) dan Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN).

"Pemerintah tidak ingin koperasi dan UKM menjadi korban kejahatan information technology atau IT, khususnya fraud atau penipuan pada sistem fintech. Memang baru pertama kali, kami mengundang BIN dan Polri untuk membahas bagaimana mencegah penipuan di jasa keuangan," kata Deputi bidang Pengawasan Kemenkop UKM, Suparno kepada pers di Jakarta, Rabu (6/2).

Dia mengakui bahwa koperasi juga ikut berkembang mengikuti perkembangan teknologi. Banyak dampak positif dari penerapan teknologi di sektor koperasi, namun ada juga dampak negatifnya.

"Jangan sampai koperasi menjadi korban, dan kami juga berharap jangan sampai masyarakat menjadi korban oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab," kata Suparno.

Menurutnya, kerja sama dengan Polri terkait cyber fraud karena banyaknya aduan/laporan di antaranya dari gerakan koperasi tentang aneka modus penipuan.

"Polri punya sistem teknologi yang canggih, dan BIN sekarang ini dianggap lebih inklusif, juga beri masukan tentang bagaimana penanganannya," kata Suparno.hl

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Cooperatives and SMEs Ministry seeks to anticipate misuse of information technology in financial services, and prevent fraud of financial technology systems especially in cooperative sector with the Police or Polri and the State Intelligence Agency or the BIN.

"The government does not want cooperatives and SMEs to be victims of information technology crime especially fraud on the fintech system. Indeed, for the first time, we invited BIN and Polri to discuss how to prevent fraud in financial services," the Deputy for Supervision of the ministry, Suparno told the press here on on Wednesday (February 6).

He acknowledged that cooperatives also developed in line with technological developments. Many positive impacts of the application of technology in cooperative sector, but there are also negative impacts.

"Don´t let cooperatives become victims, and we also hope that people will not be victimized by irresponsible individuals," said Suparno who goes by one name, like many Indonesians.

According to him, cooperation with the Polri is related to cyber fraud because many reports including the cooperatives about various modes of fraud. 

"The Polri has sophisticated technology, and the BIN is now considered more inclusive, also giving input on how to handle it," said Suparno.