Demokrat Tuding Pansus Angket KPK Tidak Tepat di Tengah Maraknya Korupsi

Indonesia`s Political Parties Accused Inquiry Right Special Committee to Anti-graft Commision Comes at Wrong Time

Reporter : Adipati Edonizar
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Demokrat Tuding Pansus Angket KPK Tidak Tepat di Tengah Maraknya Korupsi
Laporan tahunan Indeks Persepsi Korupsi di 176 negara, skor Indonesia naik tapi peringkatnya turun ke 90 menurut anti-korupsi dunia, Transparency Internasional (Infografis:

Jakarta (B2B) - Partai Demokrat menilai pembentukan Panitia Khusus (Pansus) Angket KPK tidak tepat di tengah masih maraknya praktik korupsi di Indonesia saat ini, dan hal itu disinyalir akan mengganggu proses penegakan hukum yang saat ini dilakukan oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

Wakil Sekjen Partai Demokrat Didi Irawadi Syamsuddin mengatakan pembentukan Pansus Angket KPK tidak tepat di tengah masih maraknya praktik korupsi di Tanah Air.

"Pansus Hak Angket tidak tepat, sebab terjadi dalam situasi korupsi yang masih marak. Pansus disinyalir bisa mengganggu proses penegakan hukum yang saat ini dilakukan oleh KPK," ujar Didi di Jakarta, Rabu.

Didi menambahkan, Partai Demokrat konsisten tidak ikut Pansus Hak Angket KPK, karena menginginkan lembaga antirasuah tetap kuat untuk memberantas korupsi.

"Partai Demokrat tetap konsisten dengan tidak ikut mengirimkan anggota Fraksi dalam Pansus Angket KPK. Sebab bagi partai Demokrat lebih penting memikirkan bagaimana KPK senantiasa tetap kuat dalam memerangi korupsi," kata Didi.

Dia mengakui saat ini KPK sedang menangani kasus-kasus korupsi besar yang menjadi perhatian publik.

Pansus Angket KPK, menurut Didi, jelas menjadi pertaruhan besar bagi DPR, khususnya partai-partai pengusung Pansus Angket KPK terkait komitmennya melawan korupsi. Mayoritas partai pengusung Pansus Angket KPK adalah partai-partai yang mendukung pemerintah.

Dia mengingatkan bahwa rakyat tidak ingin semangat penegakan hukum sedikitpun kendur dan terganggu karena keberadaan Pansus itu.

Oleh karenanya, pihaknya mengusulkan agar pemerintah mengingatkan partai pendukungnya untuk mendukung penguatan KPK daripada memaksakan hak angket yang disinyalir malah bisa memperlemah KPK.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia's Democrat Party said the Inquiry Right Special Committee called the Pansus on the Anti-graft (KPK) in parliament has come at a wrong time while the country is still rampant with corruption, according to the senior politician of Democrat.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Democrat Party, Didi Irawadi Syamsuddin, said the Pansus KPK has come at a wrong time as it is feared to weaken the drive against corruption being launched by the KPK.

"The Democrat Party is consistent by not sending its representative to the Pansus. For the party it is more important to keep KPK strong in battling corruption," he said.

The Democrat Party, therefore, decided not to take part in the inquiry right against KPK, he said, adding, the party wants KPK remains strong.

He said currently KPK is handling big corruption cases which draw wide public attention.

According to him, the parliament especially political parties supporting the Pansus have put their reputations at stake in relation to anti corruption commitment.

He said the people did not want the fight against corruption is weakened because of the Pansus.

Mr Syamsuddin said ironically, most of the supporters of the Pansus KPK are ruling coalition parties, therefore, the government should remind the parties to support KPK instead of taking part in weakening it.

The parliament formed the Pansus after KPK refused to hand over to the lawmakers of the House Commission III the results of its legal investigation of electronic ID card corruption case in which many lawmakers are implicated.

The fact leads to public opinion that the House is seeking to prevent KPK from carrying on with the investigation of one of the countrys biggest corruption cases implicating lawmakers.