Pemerintah Dorong Optimalisasi Program Penurunan Stunting

Indonesian Govt Encourages Optimization of Stunting Reduction Program

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Pemerintah Dorong Optimalisasi Program Penurunan Stunting
PENURUNAN STUNTING: Wakil Presiden Ma´ruf Amin saat memimpin rapat yang membahas mengenai implementasi program percepatan penurunan stunting di Istana Wapres. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Jakarta [B2B] - Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin penurunan prevalensi stunting saat ini masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan pemerintah yang sebesar 14 persen.

“Segera lakukan evaluasi dan analisis lanjutan untuk menyusun langkah-langkah perbaikan ke depan. Saya minta hasilnya dilaporkan kepada saya sebagai Ketua Pengarah [Tim Percepatan Penurunan Stunting] paling lambat dalam dua minggu ke depan,” ujar Wapres saat memimpin rapat di Istana Wapres, Jakarta. 

Wapres menekankan, hasil evaluasi dan analisis tersebut harus menjadi masukan bagi perbaikan program ke depan. Sejalan dengan itu, Wapres juga meminta agar perumusan strategi dan program percepatan penurunan stunting harus dipertajam agar target yang ditetapkan dapat tercapai dalam kurun waktu yang tersisa.

Lebih lanjut, Wapres juga meminta semua pemangku kepentingan untuk lebih bersungguh-sungguh dan berinovasi sekaligus meningkatkan kolaborasi dan koordinasi dalam upaya untuk mempercepat penurunan stunting.

“Harus fokus pada intervensi yang mempunyai daya ungkit besar bagi penurunan stunting karena kita hanya punya waktu tujuh bulan untuk mencapai target tahun 2024, sedangkan target yang harus diturunkan masih tinggi,” tegasnya.

Selain itu, Wapres meminta agar seluruh pihak terkait memperhatikan hasil Survei Kesehatan Indonesia (SKI) 2023 yang dirilis oleh Kemenkes. Ia pun menginstruksikan agar program intervensi khususnya diarahkan pada upaya pencegahan terjadinya stunting baru.

“Pelaksanaan program penurunan stunting harus dipantau, dievaluasi, dan dilaporkan secara terpadu dan berkala. Sehingga dapat diketahui perkembangan, capaian, dan kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya, yang kemudian kita bisa mengambil langkah berikutnya untuk memastikan target tahun 2024 bisa dicapai,” tuturnya.

Wapres pun mengharapkan agar program percepatan penurunan tetap menjadi prioritas nasional dalam rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (PPJMN) 2025-2029 yang tengah disusun pemerintah. Sejalan dengan itu, Wapres pun meminta Menteri PPN/Kepala Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa bersama dengan Kemenko PMK, BKKBN, Kemenkes, Kemendagri, dan K/L terkait lainnya untuk melakukan reviu Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 72 Tahun 2021 tentang Percepatan Penurunan Stunting.

“Segera susun usulan prakarsa revisi Perpres 72 Tahun 2021 berdasarkan evaluasi capaian target yang melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan,” ujarnya.

Dalam penanganan tingkat wilayah, Wapres mengintruksikan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian untuk mendorong para kepala daerah, khususnya wilayah-wilayah yang masih ditemui kasus stunting yang tinggi, untuk memastikan upaya penurunan stunting di daerahnya dapat terlaksana dengan baik.

“Penangangan oleh pemerintah daerah dijadikan prioritas, jangan dinomorsekiankan, akibatnya tidak serius. Bagi daerah yang berhasil diberikan penghargaan, sementara yang tidak memenuhi target, agar diberi semacam punishment,” kata Wapres.

Selain itu, Wapres juga menyoroti penggunaan Dana Desa yang menurutnya harus juga dioptimalkan untuk penanganan stunting. Ia pun meminta Kemendagri untuk berkordinasi dengan Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi (Kemendes PDTT) untuk menindaklanjuti hal tersebut.

“Soal Dana Desa termasuk penggunaannya harus ada perubahan supaya masalah dana desa ke stunting untuk dioptimal. Mendagri dan Mendesa memprioritaskan agar dana desa buat stunting,” tegasnya.

Selanjutnya, Wapres menginstruksikan kepada Pj. Gubernur Jawa Barat, Pj. Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Pj. Gubernur Jawa Timur, Pj. Gubernur Sumatera Utara, dan Pj. Gubernur Banten untuk memastikan pelaksanaan program percepatan penurunan stunting  di daerah masing-masing.

“Pastikan semua pihak, termasuk dari lembaga nonpemerintah seperti dunia usaha, akademisi, lembaga keagamaan dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat, untuk bergotong royong dalam percepatan penurunan stunting,” tandasnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - Vice President (Wapres) Ma´ruf Amin, the reduction in stunting prevalence is currently still below the target set by the government of 14 percent.

“Immediately carry out further evaluation and analysis to develop future improvement steps. "I ask that the results be reported to me as the Head of the Steering Committee [of the Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team] no later than the next two weeks," said the Vice President while chairing a meeting at the Vice President´s Palace, Jakarta.

The Vice President emphasized that the results of the evaluation and analysis must be input for future program improvements. In line with this, the Vice President also requested that the formulation of strategies and programs to accelerate stunting reduction be sharpened so that the targets set can be achieved within the remaining time period.

Furthermore, the Vice President also asked all stakeholders to be more serious and innovative while increasing collaboration and coordination in an effort to accelerate stunting reduction.

"We must focus on interventions that have great leverage for reducing stunting because we only have seven months to reach the 2024 target, while the target that must be reduced is still high," he stressed.

Apart from that, the Vice President asked all related parties to pay attention to the results of the 2023 Indonesian Health Survey (SKI) released by the Ministry of Health. He also instructed that intervention programs should be specifically directed at efforts to prevent new stunting.

“The implementation of the stunting reduction program must be monitored, evaluated and reported in an integrated and regular manner. "So that we can know the progress, achievements and obstacles faced in its implementation, so that we can take the next steps to ensure that the 2024 target can be achieved," he said.

The Vice President also hopes that the accelerated reduction program will remain a national priority in the draft National Long Term Development Plan (PPJMN) 2025-2029 which is currently being prepared by the government. In line with this, the Vice President also asked the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa together with the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, BKKBN, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs and other related Ministries/Institutions to review Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction.

"Immediately prepare a proposal for a revision initiative for Presidential Decree 72 of 2021 based on an evaluation of target achievements involving stakeholders," he said.

In handling the regional level, the Vice President instructed the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian to encourage regional heads, especially regions where high cases of stunting are still found, to ensure that efforts to reduce stunting in their regions can be carried out well.

"Regulation by the regional government is a priority, don´t put it first, the consequences are not serious. "Regions that are successful will be given awards, while those that do not meet the target will be given some kind of punishment," said the Vice President.

Apart from that, the Vice President also highlighted the use of Village Funds which according to him must also be optimized for handling stunting. He also asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to coordinate with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) to follow up on this matter.

"Regarding Village Funds, including their use, there must be changes so that the problem of village funds and stunting can be optimized. "The Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Villages prioritize village funds for stunting," he stressed.

Next, the Vice President instructed Acting. Governor of West Java, Acting. Governor of Central Java, Acting. Governor of East Java, Acting. Governor of North Sumatra, and Acting. Governor of Banten to ensure the implementation of accelerated stunting reduction programs in their respective regions.

"Ensure that all parties, including non-governmental organizations such as the business world, academics, religious institutions and non-governmental organizations, work together to accelerate the reduction of stunting," he said.