Indosat Alami Rugi Bersih Rp1,7 Triliun di Kuartal III 2013

Indosat Net Loss of Rp1.7 Trillion in the Third Quarter of 2013

Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Indosat Alami Rugi Bersih Rp1,7 Triliun di Kuartal III 2013

Jakarta (B2B) - PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT), mencatat rugi bersih Rp 1,7 triliun per September 2013. Jumlah tersebut naik 471,3% dari laba bersih Rp 475,7 miliar di September tahun lalu. Kenaikan rugi bersih perseroan didorong rugi selisih kurs akibat pelemahan kurs rupiah terhadap dolar amerika serikat.

Laporan keuangan Indosat menyebutkan, bahwa perseroan di kuartal III tahun ini, perseroan mencatat kenaikan pendapatan usaha 9,4% menjadi Rp 17,8 triliun per September pada 2013.

Perseroan mengalami rugi kurs Rp2,3 triliun sepanjang sembilan bulan pertama 2013, naik 260% dari periode sama 2012. 

Rugi selisih kurs ini disebabkan sebagian besar utang perseroan tercatat dalam dolar Amerika Serikat, yang juga berasal dari translasi dalam pencatatan akuntansi yang bersifat non-cash dan percepatan depresiasi.

Per September tahun ini, total utang Indosat naik 1,8% menjadi Rp22,2 triliun.

Jakarta (B2B) - PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT), recorded a net loss of Rp1.7 trillion by September 2013. The amount is up 471.3% from a net profit of Rp475.7 billion in September last year. The increase in net loss was driven foreign exchange losses due to exchange rate of rupiah weakened against the U.S. dollar.

The financial statements of Indosat said that the company in the third quarter of this year, recorded an increase in revenue of 9.4% to Rp 17.8 trillion as of September in 2013.

The company suffered losses Rp2, 3 billion during the first nine months of 2013, up 260% from the same period of 2012.

The foreign exchange loss, due mostly corporate debt listed in U.S. dollars, which is also derived from the translation of non-cash accounting records, and accelerated depreciation.

As of September this year, Indosat´s total debt rose 1.8% to Rp22.2 trillion.