Tidak Lolos Pemilu 2024, Massa Partai Prima Demo Gedung KPU

Mass of the Prima Party Demos the KPU Building

Reporter : Kemal Agus Praghotsa
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Tidak Lolos Pemilu 2024, Massa Partai Prima Demo Gedung KPU
PEMILU 2024: Simpatisan Partai Rakyat Adil Makmur (Prima) saat melakukan demo di depan gedung KPU RI, Jakarta. (Foto: Istimewa)

Jakarta [B2B] - Massa Partai Rakyat Adil Makmur [Prima] menggelar aksi di gedung Komisi Pemilihan Umum [KPU] RI, Jakarta Pusat, pada Rabu [14/12].

Puluhan simpatisan Partai Prima memaksa masuk ke dalam Gedung KPU RI, sehingga massa terlibat adu mulut dengan aparat kepolisian yang berjaga.

Terlihat Ketua DPW PRIMA DKI Jakarta, Nuradim melompati pagar gedung KPU. Dirinya kemudian masuk ke dalam gedung. Tak lama berselang, Nuradim dikeluarkan oleh petugas polisi.

Sebagai Informasi, di halaman Kantor KPU akan digelar pengundian dan penetapan nomor urut parpol peserta Pemilu 2024.

Untuk menyambut acara tersebut, KPU membangun sebuah panggung, layar digital, dan tribun kecil untuk tamu undangan dari parpol yang hadir.

Sesuai dengan jadwal, pengundian parpol peserta pemilu akan dilakukan pada 19.00 WIB.

Jakarta [B2B] - The masses of the Adil Makmur [Prima] People's Party staged a demonstration at the Republic of Indonesia General Elections Commission [KPU] building, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday [14/12].

Dozens of Prima Party sympathizers forced their way into the KPU RI building, causing the crowd to become involved in an argument with the police officers on guard.

The head of DPW PRIMA DKI Jakarta, Nuradim, was seen jumping over the fence of the KPU building. He then entered the building. Not long after that, Nuradim was released by police officers.

For information, a drawing will be held on the KPU Office page and the determination of the serial numbers of political parties participating in the 2024 Election.

To welcome the event, the KPU built a stage, digital screens and a small tribune for invited guests from political parties who attended.

According to the schedule, the drawing of political parties participating in the election will be held at 19.00 WIB.