Kejagung Dilimpahi Kasus Budi Gunawan dari KPK

Indonesian Anti-graft Comm. Hands over Budi Gunawan`s Case to Attorney General Office

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Kejagung Dilimpahi Kasus Budi Gunawan dari KPK
Foto: istimewa

Jakarta (B2B) - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) melimpahkan kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi terkait transaksi-transaksi mencurigakan dengan tersangka Komisaris Jenderal (Komjen) Pol Budi Gunawan (BG) ke Kejaksaan Agung.

"Kasus Komjen BG yang ditangani KPK dan dinyatakan tidak sah oleh pengadilan diserahkan ke Kejaksaan Agung. Kejaksaan akan melanjutkan ke Polri karena dinilai penangannya akan lebih efektif karena sudah pernah menangani kasus ini sebelumnya," kata Jaksa Agung HM Prasetyo dalam konferensi pers di gedung KPK Jakarta, Senin.

Konferensi pers itu dilakukan bersama dengan Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan Tedjo Edi Purdijatno, Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Yasonna H Laoly, Wakil Kepala Polri Komisaris Jenderal (Komjen) Pol Badrodin Haiti, serta lima pimpinan KPK yaitu Taufiquerachaman Ruki, Johan Budi SP, Indriyanto Seno Adji, Zulkarnain dan Adnan Pandu Praja.

"Supaya lebih efektif, saya sebagai Jaksa Agung akan menyerahkan berkas perkara dari Kejaksaan dan akan diserahkan ke Polri untuk diselesaikan sebagaimana mestinya," kata Prasetyo.

Menurut Prasetyo, Mabes Polri memang sudah pernah melakukan penyelidikan terkait dugaan rekening gendut Budi Gunawan pada 2010 dan berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri menilai rekeningnya wajar.

Ia menjelaskan setelah ada putusan hakim praperadilan yang menyatakan penetapan Budi Gunawan sebagai tersangka oleh KPK tidak sah penanganan perkara itu harus ditinjau ulang.

"Persoalannya, KPK sesuai UU No.30 tahun 2002 tentang KPK tidak mungkin menghentikan perkara yang disidik KPK sendiri, sementara putusan pengadilan adalah final dan mengikat dan harus dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan," kata Prasetyo.

Solusinya, menurut Prasetyo, adalah KPK menyerahkan kasus penanganan tersebut ke Kejaksaan.

"Atas dasar kesepakatan rapat kami bersama, karena KPK tidak mungkin menghentikan penyidikannya, KPK menyerahkan penanganan perkara Budi Gunawan kepada Kejaksaan Agung," katanya.

KPK, menurut dia, akan menyerahkan berkas-berkas hasil penyelidikan dan penyidikan terkait kasus Budi Gunawan ke Kejaksaan Agung disertai catatan KPK bahwa kepolisian pun sudah pernah menangani kasus tersebut.

"Kami akan kaji, kejaksaan akan mempelajari, dan bagaimana tindak lanjut penanganannya ini untuk kasus BG," tambah Prasetyo.

Tujuan pelimpahan kasus tersebut, menurut Prasetyo, hanya demi kepraktisan dan efektivitas kerja KPK, Polri dan Kejaksaan.

Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri, yang pernah mengani kasus Budi Gunawan dalam surat bernomor R/1016/Dit Tipideksus/X/2010/Bareskrim, menyatakan Budi Gunawan bersih dari kasus transaksi keuangan mencurigakan.

Surat bertanggal 20 Oktober 2010 itu ditandatangani oleh Direktur Khusus Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri saat itu, Kombes Arief Sulistyanto, yang kini menjadi Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Kalimantan Barat.

Penyidikan tersebut merupakan hasil laporan hasil penyelidikan Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) terhadap rekening Budi Gunawan, yang menemukan ada anaknya, Hervianto, yang pada 2005 berusia 19 tahun mendapat pinjaman dari PT Pasific Blue senilai 5,9 miliar dolar AS.

Dari keseluruhan pinjaman itu Rp57 miliar diberikan dalam bentuk tunai dan Rp32 miliar di antaranya disetorkan ke rekening Budi Gunawan.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Anti-graft Commission, known as the KPK has handed over the controversial case of Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan to the Attorney Generals Office (AGO).

"The case of Budi Gunawan that has so far been handled by the KPK and has already been declared as illegitimate by the court has been handed over to the prosecutors office, and the office will further refer it to the police for more effective handling as it has been dealt earlier by the police," Attorney General HM Prasetyo told the press at the KPK Building here on Monday.

Mr Prasetyo was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Political, Security and Legal Affairs Tedjo Edi Purdijatno, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly, Deputy National Police Chief and also National Police Chief candidate Commissioner General Badrodin Haiti, and five KPK commissioners: Taufiqurrahman Ruki, Johan Budi, Indriyanto Senoadji, Zulkarnain, and Adnan Pandu Praja.

"To make (the case handling) more effective and I as the attorney general, would hand over the dossier to the prosecutors office and to the police to be settled as it should be," he remarked while explaining the reason behind the decision.

Mr Prasetyo said that the National Police Headquarters had indeed conducted an investigation with regard to Gunawans disproportionately huge bank accounts in 2010 and the National Polices Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) had found them as appropriate.

"The judge in the pretrial court has ruled that Budi Gunawans naming as a suspect by the KPK is illegitimate, and therefore, his case must be reviewed. The problem is that based on the KPK Law Number 30 of 2002, the anti-graft body is not allowed to stop a case already under investigation while on the other hand, the courts ruling is final and binding, and therefore, must be adhered to and implemented," Prasetyo stated with regard to KPKs position.

As a solution, he remarked that the KPK decided to hand over the case to the prosecutors office.

"Based on the agreement we arrived during a meeting, the KPK would hand over the case of Budi Gunawan to the AGO as it is impossible to stop its investigation. The KPK will hand over the results of its investigation to the AGO with notes that the police seemed to have also conducted an investigation into the same case. We will study it. The Attorney General will study it on how to further handle the case of Budi Gunawan," he revealed.

Mr Prasetyo explained that the objective behind handing over the case to the AGO was to ensure practicality and effectiveness for the KPK, the police, and the AGO.

"So, there must not be any suspicion with regard to it. We believe that if later the prosecutors office refers the case to the police, they will settle it well," he said, adding that the handling of the case at the KPK so far has also not yet been maximal.

"The KPK has also not optimally handled the case so far as no witness has successfully been summoned and questioned," he noted.

The Bareskrim states that Budi Gunawan is clean of allegations of being involved in suspicious financial transactions known as the "fat accounts" case, according to a letter number R/1016/Dit Tipideksus/X/201/Bareskrim.

The letter, dated October 20, 2010, was signed by Bareskrims Special Director Commissioner General Arief Sulistyanto, who is now the regional police commander of West Kalimantan.

The probe was carried out following the result of an investigation into Budi Gunawans accounts carried out by the Center of Financial Transactions Report and Analysis (PPATK).

In 2005, the PPATK found Budi Gunawans son Hervianto (19) receiving loans from PT Pacific Blue worth US$5.9 billion, which were transferred in cash worth Rp57 billion, of which Rp32 billion was transferred to Budi Gunawans account.