KPK Tetap Usut Kasus Budi Gunawan Sesuai Koridor Hukum, kata Ruki

Indonesian Anti-graft Agency Continue to Investigate Budi Gunawan`s Case

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

KPK Tetap Usut Kasus Budi Gunawan Sesuai Koridor Hukum, kata Ruki
Plt Ketua KPK, Taufiequrachman Ruki dan Plt Kapolri, Komjenpol Badrodin Haiti (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Taufiequrachman Ruki sebagai Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menegaskan bahwa KPK tidak akan menghentikan penyidikan kasus dugaan transaksi mencurigakan Komjen Pol Budi Gunawan.

"Kami tentu mempelajari secara detail. Kami tidak memonitor yang disampaikan hakim saja. Ada mekanisme pelimpahan, pengambilalihan sepanjang koridor hukum. Tidak mungkin SP3," kata Ruki di Jakarta, Jumat malam.

KPK segera akan meminta amar putusan praperadilan ke PN Jakarta Selatan untuk mempelajari putusan tersebut.

Saat ditanya kemungkinan kasus dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan Agung, Ruki mengisyaratkan hal itu dapat dilakukan. "Kemungkinan itu ada selama tetap dalam koridor hukum," katanya.

Budi Gunawan ditetapkan sebagai tersangka oleh KPK dalam kasus dugaan transaksi mencurigakan. Penetapan tersebut dilakukan pada satu hari menjelang fit and proper test calon kapolri di DPR.

Jakarta (B2B) - Taufiqurrachman Ruki as Acting Chief of Indonesian Anti-graft Agency, known as the KPK , has confirmed will continue to probe the controversial case involving Commissioner General Budi Gunawan.

"We will certainly study it in detail first and go over what the judge ruled. There is a mechanism that needs to be followed when a case is being handed and taken over. It is impossible for it to be closed," he said here recently.

President Joko Widodo named three acting commissioners---former KPK chief Taufiqurrachman Ruki, professor of criminal law Seno Adji, and former KPK spokesman Johan Budi---in an effort to defuse the tension in the relations between the KPK and the police.

The three acting commissioners filled the posts left vacant by Abrahamam Samad and Bambang Widjojanto, who were temporarily dismissed by the president after they were named as suspects over alleged criminal cases by the police, and by former KPK deputy commissioner Busryo Muqoddas, who ended his term of office recently.

President Joko Widodo had cancelled the inauguration of Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as the national police chief and named interim police chief Commissioner General Badrodin Haiti as the new candidate for the position.

Ruki affirmed that he will ask for a copy of the pretrial suits verdict on Budi Gunawans petition immediately to study it.

When questioned about the possibility of the case being transferred to the Attorney Generals Office, he noted that it could not be ruled out. "It is likely, as long as it is still within legal permits," he explained.

Budi Gunawan was named as a suspect by the anti-corruption agency over his alleged involvement in suspicious transactions, just a day before his candidacy was scheduled to be scrutinized by the parliament. Even though he was named as a suspect, the parliament approved his candidacy.