BG Batal Dilantik, Fraksi PDIP Akan Minta Penjelasan Presiden Jokowi

Indonesian Rulling Party to Seek President`s Clarification on Budi Gunawan`s Candidacy

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

BG Batal Dilantik, Fraksi PDIP Akan Minta Penjelasan Presiden Jokowi
Komjen Pol Budi Gunawan (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) melalui fraksinya di DPR akan meminta penjelasan dari Presiden Joko Widodo soal pembatalan pelantikan Komisaris Jenderal Budi Gunawan sebagai kepala Polri.

"Kami akan meminta penjelasan Presiden Jokowi terkait Komjen Pol Budi Gunawan yang sudah menjalankan uji kelayakan dan kepatutan di DPR RI namun batal dilantik," kata Sekretaris Fraksi PDIP DPR Bambang Wuryanto di kompleks parlemen, Jakarta, Senin.

Dia mengatakan Presiden harus menjelaskan kebijakannya mengenai pembatalan pelantikan Budi Gunawan, yang sudah dinyatakan lulus uji kelayakan dan kepatutan oleh DPR.

"Presiden belum memberikan jawaban mengapa calon Kapolri diganti secara resmi yaitu kelembagaan," katanya.

"Kalau sudah dijelaskan maka masalahnya akan clear (jelas) karena semua ada mekanismenya. Mengatur negara tidak boleh seenaknya," ujarnya.

Bambang menegaskan fraksinya tidak mempersoalkan pengajuan nama Komisaris Jenderal Pol Badrodin Haiti sebagai calon kepala Polri meski belum menyampaikan persetujuan.

Namun, ia mengatakan, Presiden, yang sudah mengirimkan surat pengusulan Budi Gunawan menjadi kepala Polri, harus lebih dulu menjelaskan pembatalan pelantikan setelah proses penetapan sudah berjalan sesuai peraturan.

Jakarta, Indonesia (B2B) - Secretary of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, known as the PDIP in the House of Representatives, Bambang Wuryanto said his party will ask President Joko Widodo to clarify why he canceled Commr. Gen. Budi Gunawans inauguration as National Police chief.

"We will ask President Jokowi to clarify why Commr. Gen. Budi Gunawan who had passed a fit-and-proper test of the DPR was not inaugurated," Mr Wuryanto said here on Monday.

The President must clarify his decision because there is a legal procedure to inaugurate a Polri chief, he added.

According to him, the DPR had exercised its constitutional mandate to conduct a fit-and-proper test on Polri chief candidate Commr. Gen. Budi Gunawan, but the President later replaced him with other candidate.

"If he clarifies, it will become clear because all procedures have a mechanism. To govern a state, one cannot do what s/he likes," he noted.

Bambang remarked that the PDIP faction did not object to the President nominating Commr. Gen. Badrodin Haiti to replace Commr. Gen. Budi Gunawan, but there was a problem and that had not been solved.

The problem concerned a presidential letter asking the DPR to process the nomination of Commr. Gen. Budi Gunawan, but the President later cancelled his inauguration. The process remains incomplete because there has been no clarification from the President, he pointed out.